3x3 Trees on lvl1 or lvl2 world? Locations Please

Good Evening Everyone,

Does anyone know if any of the starter worlds Lvl1 or Lvl2 have trees that are 3x3 vertically in their biomes?

Wanting an efficient way to collect sap/logs with an al affect adjacent axe.

Anyone’s suggestions would be great. Thanks!

I know Kada I has a few areas where there are thick trees, I wouldn’t be able to give you any coordinates, though…

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Massive lustrous trees with decent colour (silk turquoise) to be found on Trior, not far from portal hub, east iirc

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Arie has them too, nice and tall at 130 altatude. Could be straighter tho. Are the ones there dead straight like they were in the test server before 1.0?

I went to every planet and this was the first I found.

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They are fairly vertical, i get heaps from there fast just using normal method, as for test server I wasnt actively playing of late, like since 2015 lol

just beware there are two types of the same tree iirc, one is a more jagged tree, but when you find the tall forrest ones you will know!!!

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Storis II has dark brown lustrous trees that are 3x3. To the west of New Oortia past Elders Peak there is a swampy area that has them.

There are big Twisted Wood (Warm Red) on Beckon. Location I can’t remember off the top of my head.

Trior has them…very tall. 4x4s and up to 6x6

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Gellis as well - a ton of giant trees right by the portal seekers hub


And here are some pictures to proof it :+1: :grinning:
This is on Trior by the way …

arie def a good place for this

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What kind of centraforge ingredients did you need to make that?

Bought it from @Aridhol already crafted.


I sell full aoe tools for 10k each or 9k if hand traded in Anvil. They pay for themselves with the loot returns easily

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As long as you aren’t trying to use a titanium aoe tool on like a t6 world… that would not be advisable

I usually return 8-12k rock on a lvl2 world from one hammer. So they do pay for themselves if your needing bulk rock.

Wait! Tools which affect an area? Oh oh oh, so much to do and learn.

I must blast rocks with big hammer.

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Yes, with the centraforge you can forge boons onto gear to give them special characteristics, such as 3x3 area of effect centered on the block you are looking at.

Its a fairly expensive process, and requires a good bit of setup, but its worth it in the end.

Also @Lynxdragon - Personally I find hammers excellent for rock gathering, mediocre for ores (I find a good single target hammer fixes this, dual wield them!), but aoe axes and aoe shovels are extremely efficient at gathering trunks/sap, sand/clay/peat, which are usually quite valuable. I can gather like 8k sand and silty soil with a single aoe titanium shovel** in about 30 minutes. Thats a ton of glass!

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Why a hammer for sand or soil!? Soo confused.

I’ve probably spent over 150k on aoe tools from @Aridhol alone. And about 130k in coils. Haha.