A bit of perspective

I’ve seen a good number of posts in the last couple years about this Hytale game that is supposed to be the new best voxel game when it comes out… Here is an unaltered screenshot of their forum 5 minutes ago:

Maybe, just maybe, Boundless isn’t the only game affected by the global pandemic that has completely changed the world :man_shrugging:


I see a post there about someone who is apparently their social media manager confirming that there’s no update this month for them. Just saying. I think Boundless is less plagued by the plague and more having issues due to the Larian acquisition but that’s just an opinion.

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Agreed. It certainly seems like Hytale’s community have gotten what people are asking for here: Some form of communication, even if that communication is just to say that there will be no specific update this month.

I really do think the biggest problem here is that lack of communication and the uncertainty, not the lack of an update being deployed.

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Clearly isn’t helping in the slightest, or the rest of the posts wouldn’t be about their lack of communication…

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How do you know whether it helped or not? Are you an omnipotent God who can peek into alternate universes, and can compare the universe where they didn’t make an update post to the one where they did? No? Shame, I could really do with some winning lottery numbers so I can go and live a life of luxury somewhere. :cry:

Funnily enough, thread titles don’t tell anywhere near the whole story, and trying to make your point based on that alone feels more than a little disingenuous to me. Have a look through the content of those threads.

I don’t know what you see, but what I see is a lot less back and forth between people speculating on what might or might not be happening with the company. What I do see is that even though the had just one dev update on the 1st of Jul ending over a 6 month waiting time since the last one, the posts that are about communication are fairly short and have a lot less negativity, let alone well-founded negativity.

But maybe you’re right, maybe the one blog post didn’t make the difference. Maybe it’s the fact that they’ve got a community manger actually, you know, communicating. So, thanks for providing good, solid evidence that communication and engagement is good and helpful, and while it will never appease all people, it seems like it’s having a positive for their forums :+1:

Sweet, finally someone who understands that there is no way of knowing if constant reminders that the devs are actively developing but not able to provide a release date would actually help! :upside_down_face:

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Ten characters

Edit: sorry for clarity are you referring to Hytale or Bohndless?

Does that even matter, really? Does development progress exist if all you know is that they say it’s coming regardless of the amount of detail you get, or how frequently you get updates?

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Schrodinger’s Development Progress, essentially? :rofl:

When what they said (important tense shift from your statement) was over a number of months ago at this point and because of the whole Larian thing and because we know they haven’t answered any questions or given any news at all via any method of communication I think we have a bit more to use than a classic Schrodinger scenario would give.

So my answer would be the cat is not alive. You have your own answer of course, which is why theories are fun!

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Half the point of the cat-in-superposition illustration is that you cannot make a determination until obsevation.

Never mind the part about observation affecting the outcome.

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Determination? Sure, we can’t determine anything with 100% certainty. Making a guess using other factors is fair game in all things though, no? That’s all I’m doing :blush:. I have my guess, you have yours, baby cookie has cookies and everyone is happy :cookie:.

Now I have a psych background, not a phys background, but I’d argue the observer effect doesn’t truly determine outcome in the case of schrodinger and especially in the case of Boundless. I’d argue observation doesn’t determine the outcome, it determines our perception of the outcome. The cat is alive or dead without someone looking at it. It’s simply that the person doesn’t know until they look at it. Similarly boundless is either being developed or not being developed without us being told by the devs. Knowing that is what allows us to make guesses on the state of things. At least imo.


The cat is both alive and dead, is what the theory predicts… in the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, this just means we need to see before we know which one we are continuing on in, live cat universe or dead version, rather than our actual observation collapsing the wave function into reality somehow.

So, in this and parallel universes, the devs are variously working or not working on Boundless. And in some of them, Boundless caught serious fire after taking off - thousands upon thousands of worlds, peak players over 100k on Steam, dozens of devs actively working on things we never dreamed of for it.

… Can I shift over to that reality? :pleading_face:


In the actual quantum mechanics thing, the cat is not to be taken literally, but as an illustration of the idea that observation determines outcome. There are particles that do not have a predetermined position, but a probability of positions that resolves upon observation.

None of that is relevant here.

The difference is that I don’t frequently advertise my guess, especially not as if it’s fact, since I know it’s just a guess.

That’s only if alternate realities are real

Yeah I had to look the thing up apparently it’s less complicated thing than it sounds. By that I mean the comparison about the cats being alive or dead granted it was a tad bit incorrect atleast on where I said it where the cat has equal chance to be alive or dead because there are many factors that can give a probability to each of the chances

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This illustration is, yes. Do not be deceived. Actually understanding quantum mechanics models requires understanding some very advanced maths.

I meant the illustration I may be smart but not that smart atleast in the sense I have yet to learn anything about it

Shoot! I was trying so carefully to use phrasing that did not make anything I said sound as if I was stating it as fact. Can you either quote it or IM me examples and I will change them ASAP!

But yes, a difference in vocalization of beliefs likely exists for all users of this forum if we were to look at a measurement of like # of times a belief is stated in a post per hour or per day or something. I bet the average between any two members is different. That’s the exciting thing about forums! There’s a whole group of different ideas and different personalities that come together as one for discussion!

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