A thought about atmospheres

Looking through the skill list I see the atmosphere skill lines. I really think instead of another thing to spend skill points on, atmospheric protection should be gear based. We should need to craft or buy space suits that protect us from them that have a durability just like tools. This adds a whole new economic “profession” that sells suits of varying degrees of quality. Also, would be really nice to use those valuable skill points on something else :smile:.


Well, amount of skill points can be balanced any time to provide a chance to have them atmosphere armor skills, but the idea of protective gear is cool. Maybe could be there alongside the skills. So, if you decide to spend skill points on atmosphere armor, you can save on crafting/buying gear and different way around.


So, my thought is that it should be more of a feat than anything else. Let’s take Vulpto for example. Vulpto they could make the rain be toxic, and with low exposure it’s like acid to you’re character, and you are forced underground otherwise you die. But, as you are exposed to it… you begin to adapt to it until it’s nothing more than a nuisance. Nasharil they could make the soil and stone toxic and your forced to walk on non-native player made structures to prevent taking damage, but like Vulpto… with exposure you gain resistance. I do however think that each planet should have it’s own unique threat though. One world could be radioactive. Another world could be way to close to a star and be tidal locked resulting in super hot temperatures on the side that faces the star, but super cold temperatures on the side that doesn’t. Another world could have toxic air. Another world could have a super dense core and it’s gravity is outrageously strong. There are enough ways that space can kill you to make each planet unique…


Skill is a permanent option for players, but there are brews you can consume which give you a temporary resistance to those atmospheres.


Just imagined Lesser Beer Of Caustic Atmosphere Protection or Greater Bourbon Of Volatile Atmosphere Protection.


Age ratings go up when you use alcohol. So no booze :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ok, so:
Improved Multiatmospheric Protection Milkshake.
And Minor Espresso Of Toxic Atmosphere Immunity.

what about food working like that?
Greater Volatile Atmosphere Protection Irish Breakfast


…but, but… booze…

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I LOVED this in the Starbound Beta - before they damped it down to a boring upgradeable Backpack.

So +1 from me for this suggestion.

It really adds to the feel when you actually have to wear thermo clothes on an ice planet.

Dont want to have it conflict with regular wearables? Let us wear it on top!


Age ratings go up when YOU use alcohol, but allow us to rename brews to alcohol and that’s not applicable! (wink wink, nudge nudge)


Just call it Soda or Juice with a “bite” to it… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Exactly, layers or wearables! I really want for people to be able specialize in more ‘professions’. Weaponsmith, toolsmith, armor/hazard suit smith, clothier, miners, builders, hunters, animal tamers, farmers, real estate prospectors, etc. The more specializations the better, that way the economy will be even more complex and amazing.


Yes! I love it!

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You can do that… just change the applicable thing in strings.json:


Hey guys, I am doing two posts. Sorry in advance for that. The first post will be about my idea of the atmospheres before I read the whole thread, the second post will be answers about the thread after I’ve read it.


In my oppinion it would be very nice to have something like terraforming, where every person could set their wish biome/atmosphere for the planet.

Based on the prestige, the choice of atmo get’s “strength”, and depending on what settlement chooses, the biomes and atmo will be generated. I will explain this idea based on the IRL planet in the Sol, called “Earth”, for easier understanding, I am pretty sure we all know the basics of this planet :wink:

I’ve prepared a little graphic to make it easier to understand.

Natural event/catastrophy
Green Star: Yellowstone Erruption 50 years ago (YSE)

Terraformer/Atmosphere Changer
Blue Circle: Settlement 1 (S-1)
Yellow Circle: Settlement 2 (S-2)
Red Circle: Settlement 3 (S-3)
White Circle: Settlement 4 (S-4)


The Natural Disaster:
We write the year YSE, some coalition of huge transit meteors caused the hardest ever meassured meteorshower on planet Earth. The other planets in the Sol have been hit, too, but because of the trajectory of the transits, the Earth has been hitte the hardest.

The imense amount of impacts especially in north america have penetrated the already sensitive Yellowstone Nationalpark and cracked open the last piece of crust the area had and caused the erruption of that super vulcano. Within one year it has made life almost impossible across half the globe and ruined the north american biome group.

Settlements outside of that area started terraforming the atmosphere to fight against the extreme climate change which caused the whole planet to shift into different biomes based on the action of terraforming.

Terraforming influence
50 years after YSE, the terraforming has changed the planet. Closest climatic territory to the erruption is S-1. To fight the soil to become barren, S-1 started terraforming with water. But terraforming is challenging and S-1 meant it too well and watered their soil too much. The soil died and the heat from the explosion heated it to sand and turns South America into a desser.

To fight that, the planet Earth starts to cool down. S-2 starts planting trees to prevent being overrun by ice like South Africa. The biome tries to regenerate and with the influence Central Africa turns into a tundra. Keeping the region liveable wasn’t a one mans job, tho. S-3 in North-West Africa started to plant trees, too, and evolves to a temperate climate.

Not touched by the ash thanks to the south wind after the erruption, S-4 didn’t need any terraforming as the climatic influences from all directions automatically generated a climatic zone that is influenced by thwo whole words biomes that influence the atmosphere such as planetary climate, wind mapping and underwater current.

Even the slightest event, no matter if natural disaster or artificial altering can influence not only your own region but also other regions. Some of which you can influence some of which are just out of our responsibility and influence.

How to terraform/atmsosphere change
Terraforming could be done in multiple ways. If a settlement changes the main surface ressource from sand to soil & grass and plant trees as example or by the prestige points of the settlement, which gives the terraformer of the region more influence than as example a settlement with less prestige close by.

As example:
S-2 tries to change their biome/atmo to Vulcano/Lava but S-3 changes their region to Ice/Glacier, it depends on the distance and prestige.

S-2 has 200.000 Prestige and S-3 has 3.100.000 Prestige, so the whole region is way cold and frozen, but the closer you get to S-2, the warmer it gets. And calculated by the Prestige and size of the settlement and the relations of the biomes, a biome group is generated between S-2 and S-3 fading from one into the other like a gradient of biomes.


I hope you could understand what I was trying to explain, if not, blame it on my brain putting german grammar into my english sentences :wink:

What are your thoughts about this?

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While I really like this idea, I also have to say I think that a skill for protection is actually not bad.
If you think about it, it makes sense. Animals tend to develop a certain immunity or special talents to master climatic and geographical circumstances.

Really awesome idea! This could give the whole game like a million different settings and could show how people would master surviving in every possible way. Creative, brachial, whatever. :slight_smile:

Would open the door to a whole new occupation for players. Druids, Mages, whatever :slight_smile:

Maybe add servers where you can only join if the user has set up their age restriction filters. So players that have no parental control setup can’t join these planets/regions, but if they have, they can join after entering the pin. Not sure if that fullfills laws or anything, tho. :slight_smile:


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