Accessing Left Hand Mac OS X

(BETA) I understand that you can access the left hand item scrollwheel by holding down ALT on a Windows Machine. I’m having problems accessing it on a Mac. Any help would be appreciated. I don’t want to have to go thru life half-handed.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Have you tried holding down Q? You can then click-drag the left or right mouse buttons for the left or right hands


It’s not a matter of getting items INTO the slots, which as I understand is what holding Q is doing. It’s a matter of selecting a particular item for use. The scroll wheel is swapping what is held in my right hand as expected. I’m looking for similar functionality for the left.

Try using Q outside of your inventory :wink:

It’s also used for selecting items in each hand, not just putting items into your hands!

I see that now. So, there isn’t similar functionality (in the matter of a key to hold down to alter the scroll whell) for Mac as for Windows. Awesome.

There should be a key to do it … I’m not on my mac right now, so can’t check the key bindings. There should be key mappings in the menu though - might be worth looking on there to see if it’s mapped, or if you can change it.

There definitely is a key. I believe it is still alt (option), but I could be wrong.