Active towns.. Citys

build your own city


Tried that.
Didnt work.
Game over.

Buugi we would be happy to have you in Grandeur.

Quick, someone get this man Aquatopia!

I walked around there… Spoke To lorelei Or lorelie whatever…

The place is just not For me… Too sparkly stuff… Gleam every Where and so on.

Nice city but just not For me.

Aquatopia is long gone man… I think it was left In EA

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I wouldnt call it sparkly or gleamy at all,
I think it looks classy and super well put together. :woman_shrugging:


What about HSE I know it’s Sovereign Now but it not so Shiny as other citys

I think most of us can agree we don’t want to lose another Boundless player, even a veteran player such as yourself. I know you’re asking everyone for screenshots and suggestions but have you listed the criteria that you are searching for. Maybe that can better help individuals find you a new home.


What about Stars Hollow on tana?
(Portals ps biitula, DK mall and tnt upper area),

It’s not that shiny with gleam everywhere.

And Great guild members in my opinion.

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I don’t take offense I just didn’t want you to quit the game that’s why we put the offer out. Some of the stuff I build isn’t for everyone. I do hope you find a place to call home.

Head to shedu I’m looking for new and old players. Hardly lags its a t6 chill world called binita

You can give my sov a try. Access through roxie’s at DK mall easiest way to find it. Has access to TNT and the usual suspects.

You can enjoy benefits such as:
No active community
No actual city
No grinding or traditional gameplay of any kind
No group efforts of any kind
2 citizens waiting for game updates and playing games in between this one

Totally the opposite of what you’re looking for basically.

I’ll show myself out har har