Activities to Bring More Activity

As of currently, from what I’ve seen between discord chat and posts here, it seems to me that players generally only gather together for meteor hunts. Is there anything else currently that brings players together? And what is planned to do so in the future? (There are so many topics, so I’m not going to look for some ancient post. Just bring it up again if it’s important.) I think anything that can make the majority of the player-base more active can improve so many things, so I’d love to help find the spark that brings us together.

There are a couple of different sports, Spleef and another newer one that is in a bit of a testing phase. Pofs had just began doing Drop Parties before he quit the game, which I am considering starting back up when I have time, it was a great idea. Today someone started a clever scavenger hunt around their complex base. The opportunities are there, folks just have to make 'em happen. =)