i would love a whole set like that as well for same price
after aenea
Well, looks like I’ve got some mining to do this weekend
Well, I had enough topaz to change half and I’ll have enough refined gems for 50 of both the refinery and the extractor advanced coils!
for me ya can take your time im always around
and never in a rush
I have no choice but to take my time. Coils take bloody ages to craft.
I was going to ask you to quote a mass craft of helix coils when the adv coils were done.
Sounds like I better ask now ^^
Your adv coils are ready.
I can do the helix coils too, but they’ll take a while.
And they’ll be expensive!
I do hope you realize just how low your selling them for.
144 for 125k equates to 868c each
Using boundlesstrade as a guide, average coil selling price is about 1900c, with the absolute lowest for most coils being about 1500c.
I’m aware you said you plan to sell them cheap, but i wreken you’d have no issues selling just as many for a significantly higher price.
Just my 2c anyway
Yeah I realize how much they are.
I currently have 1 full set and would love to sell to the highest bidder lol.
Unfortunately, I said a price on a public forum without giving it much thought.
well nobody is forcing you to do this. dont let people take advantage of you. People everywhere in life will suck you dry and never look back.
Hey I sort of feel contracted for the 1 set.
You would probably still have orders for full sets over 1k coin/coil. I would have paid 150k, even though i don’t have the machines up yet.
When you said 125 it was no question.
I just told him he didn’t have to do anything. No need to argue your order with me. I dont care. I care more about this guy being bombarded by jackals.
It’s fine, seriously.
This set for @Nightstar is 125k.
I haven’t actually agreed to sell to anyone else.
You know you want to tho!
How about 300k for two sets!
How about 350k?
Won’t be able to play again until next week, tho I could use up some of my data plan and create a hotspot here but am sure you would need a bit of time to make them anyway.
Yeah I’d need a few days.
Delivered. 144 custom crafted coils in three days.
Smooth trade, great deal, thanks a lot.
Happy to be of service.