Aggresive creatures on a T1 (Fixed)

I was filling my raxxa atlas (it was being filled and got filled 50/50). and a strange thing happened. as i was grappling, The creatures i were passing by were being agressive. a spitter shot at me and a wildstock rammed me as i was grappling. the strangest thing was that i grappled objects NEAR them, not grappling them.

Digging near or manipulating Tools makes Mobs agressive towards the user, at least i remeber that from sochaltin 1.

so digging close to the surface on a T1 will result in a wildstock (maybe) getting inside the shaft you’re in and ramming you? I’m confused

Shooting your grapple close to a creature will cause them to agro on you.

Digging, chopping etc doesn’t unless you actually hit them with your tool.

oh ok. Thanks a lot.

If something falls and takes fall damage (in a cave or hole you’re digging) it can aggro on you too.

Yep, as others stated, this is a way to aggro mobs on peaceful planets.

It is where I came up with my slogan “don’t feed the wildstock” from, since they tend to wander into stores/malls, and if you like to spam grapples (which the claw looks like a hand), you can aggro them if you put your “hand” too close (like your trying to feed them).

Yeah its a complicated origin story, but hey my mind is a chaotic place :rofl: