[Alpha C] --[T6 - Fierce Toxic Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

They said there would be a constant stream, not rare. There were some issues with Exos a couple of times so we went a month or two without any. Statistically speaking, the more that spawn, the higher the chances are that they are a T7 with lucents or a new color. Waiting ? months for one T4 Exo to spawn with nothing new, is boring. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are also an integral part of the gameplay now because it’s the only way people can get certain supplies: resin, goo kernels, lucents (for farming, certain gear, concrete…)

The experimental Exos are what I’d call rare & :star_struck: special. Like the color-changing ones. [Chaltiin] --[T4 - Inhospitable Lush Color-Cycling Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

Maybe T8s will be rare?