Ancient Civilization ideas

While gathering ancient tech remnants and the dreaded ancient tech components I think most of us have wondered the same thing. Where did this come from and why are there no traces of this civilization?

Personally I think there should be dungeons and biomes that help to give an idea of who these people were.

The dungeon would be old abandoned bunkers, perhaps decrepit research facilities. The biomes would be overgrown cities where natures has reclaimed the land.

Along with this I think it’s be really cool to find working consoles in the dungeons that contain a mixture of actual lore and personal connections like emails, reminders or diary entries. Some may wonder why would they use computers in game like this, for those people I’d like to direct you to the fact that ancient tech both resemble IDE cables and circuit boards


The game is meant to be in a world of unexplained science. So, yeah, computers are part of that. Long lost memories of the past.


this is an awesome idea, and would also be great if you could make your own, and right your own stuff on them.

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There is the occassional tumbled-down temple . . . good for free bricks, decorative stone and gleam lanterns! No Lore, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

The ancient relics found throughout the known lands are all that remain of the Oort! These blessed artifacts are believed to be the last vestiges of their fabled arcano-tech. Ancient lore tells us of their miraculous inventions! Colossal Titans! Stalwart Protectors! Much of our own scientific knowledge is based on their arcane feats; Portal and warp magics, Spark generators, even engine coils are all based upon their ancient miracle-sciences! Truly the Oort are the light to guide our path!
Hail Oortimus! Hail Illuminoorti! Praise be the Oortmessiah!!


There’s also this heresy! :astonished:


we do not speak of this great tragedy, @GreyArt247, may the Oort have mercy on there Heretical Souls.

Oortians once thought the planets where round but we know they are flat despite appearance. All that we want to believe is not always what people want to hear. I’m glad to see that you at least accept there was a great tragedy :cry:

I’m currently working on my second chapter of the story that I posted already. :smiley:




I do not understand. A headcannon is illogical; the neck does not adequately absorb recoil, and firing from the top of the head may impede target retention at medium to long range combat. The Oort would never utilize such a design!