Anti-pants protest

Gloom Conglomerated fully understands and appreciates the passionate market drivers when it comes to tuchus warming technology and is committed to fully supporting the Anti-Pants Movement with low cost and high quality options for the customer on the go.

Please review our mailed political and social movement support bill and remit the appropriate payment of 10,000c to recieve your complimentary Anti-Pants Movement outerwear.


OMG you all made my day. I love seeing this. What a riot.
Also, pants are a subsystem conspiracy to introduce tyrannical materialistic dependency on those who are free. Resist being pantsed while you still have free thought.

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Ahā€¦ Creegleā€¦ you poor pantzless son of a.

Taking this route, means you wonā€™t be invited to the pantz-party. Are you sure about this?

Cā€™mon manā€¦ come to my pantz-party!

Become one, or even two with the pantz. Let them shelter and protect you! Itā€™s a cold cold world down there in the guttersā€¦ without pantsā€¦ sure, there might be sockz down there, even maybe a hatz. Get in them pantz!

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The Anti-pants Alliance is growing strongerā€¦ soon it will be our turn to watch.

Waitā€¦ whatā€¦ no thats not what it sounds like.


I have spoken with socksā€¦ and although tiny and cute, i do have concerns about socks desire to become the new superpower in lower body coverage. But the enemy of my enemy is a friend.

I wish there was enough free will left in society to resist the hold pants have over everyone on our own, and we didnt need to risk more of the finer things in life like the sand between your toes.

But due to the obvious mass mind control pants have already infiltrated the player base of this game with, we have no choice but to team up for now.

The Anti-pants Alliance and Pro-sock Society will not give up the good fight until the tyrical reign of pants is at an end and we can all be free to choose our own garment preferences without the threat of persecution.


Gloom Conglomerated sure does get around. But i guess you never loose if you sell to both sidesā€¦

@Fiffer13, Gloom Conglomerated is always expanding markets! But we also value the social impact [insert movement name here] has had on the consumer community and we are a pan-galactic corporation of values, after all!

If you would like us to agree with more of your firmly held beliefs, look in to our brand new pilot program, Every Customer Has Opinions, or ECHO for short. Weā€™re more than happy to both verbally support your beliefs AND provide you with the opportunity to purchase various merchandise that indicates our support!


Are pants the future?