I cant get into the game just tried whats going on ?
Servers a down , there a problem
It started before that Azure outage. Plus Boundless runs on Amazon.
A lot of service providers are experiencing issues. This morning, I’m getting an additional error 17 when I try to login. Last time that happened, James said there was an issue with a certificate.
My company migrated to Cloudstrike services on Wednesday. I’m dreading the mess I’m about to clock in to.
Both hubby and SIL are being affected at the ir workplace related to all this. If the airlines an’t get it sorted easily., I think I can forgive Boundless
Confirmed, tis a sh*t-show.
I’m laughing in Linux web servers right now.
To be real, this seems like a nightmare for anyone involved. I guess solutions are known, but applying them has varying levels of difficulty depending on setups. Good luck. Hopefully you don’t have to manually fix a thousand desktop computers like I’m sure some people are.
Am manually fixing about 300 computers, fortunately we are a smaller bank.
Looks like the Formula 1 races got it too, this made me laugh loud enough to make my coworkers concerned
Happy FriYaY! Boundless is back in service, have a great weekend
Cloudstrike usually wasn’t that bad especially if you had a good test process prior to rollouts with them. Used them a lot at my old job…
Can we have an understanding of what broke and the solution? Historically we basically had at least a high level of transparency around issues.
It had to do with Steam’s API and once that was fixed, there was a login issue. Nothing related to Microsoft’s crowdstrike as we don’t use that and I’m so happy we don’t lol
Oh my. MS got eviler
hahha spell check kicked in
I can see your response now…
so the whole problem was because clouds were on strike?