Aoe changing chisels

Who thinks this is much needed


its as much needed as the aoe effect on iron fist

I don’t know, AoE chisel might end-up being more dangerous than anything, sometimes…

I’d rather have a special chisel boon (let’s call it “Duplicate chisel”) which can do two things :
• Use it on a block which has been chiseled in any way, and the Duplicate chisel will learn the shape.
• Use it on a block which has not been chiseled and it will apply the memorized shape on it.

The Duplicate chisel would then have the memorized shape’s name written in the corner of the screen when you’re holding it, so you know which shape it will apply.

This would allow to make some tedious chisel work faster, while keeping 100% control on what it does.


It will however add quite a few shape names, not to mention all the “lattice” names lol…

*Edit: but I like the idea

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It could instead, have a rotating model of a generic block shaped that way, come up on mouseover.