As a new player, what is the best way to get coins?

Those ‘good’ hammers don’t really cost that much nowdays. You can find T6 hammers at like 7-8k coins each. That’s what a single forged gem slingbow costs for hunts as well. You should have enough money to buy these from the tutorial and early objective quests.


This requires both the 7-10k hammers as well as a sheet almost completely dedicated to the task, plus knowledge - they need to know to use speed or strength brew depending on the hammer, and they also need to know to use starberry pies for infinite energy.

I don’t think it’s a good “best coins for new players” task, but it is good coin once you get specced and equipped for it for sure.


You dont need any equipment to go to another hunt, its the only group activity in this game that requires some people to do 0 work. You can hunt as a new player with a totem and zero other skills except what you need to get to the planet, People have zero issue helping a new player hunt because rewards are instanced…

Imagine of rewards were based on how much work you actually did at hunts or worse image if loot wasnt instanced? people wouldnt be so gun ho about getting large groups that kill everything before half the players get off a shot.

Well, yes, people do give out free equipment to newbies to hunt, but you wouldn’t want to be relying solely on that for weeks… unless you’re the type that likes to leech off of others.

I do agree as ‘a new player’ hunts are one of the best ways to get money, but i’m just pointing out that isn’t the only way.

Who said anything about getting free equipment or leeching off other players?

Loot drops from mobs are instances so my looting the same corpse you loot has zero impact on each others loot.

For community hunts where they want larger groups to come you just show up, you dont need to ask for free stuff so im not sure what thats about. You can craft a totem for free and that is the only equipment needed to participate in those hunts.

I would recommend doing the objectives. I just recently started a new character on PC and played without using my other characters items. I was surprised how easy and enough money I was earning. I would also find a shop in a mall and start small. Don’t try to be a master of anything yet. You can actually make a lot of coin selling raw plant and creature drops.


The free stuff comment was said cause I didn’t think you would be saying this, as some people (myself included) willingly give equipment for new players to be able to join in hunts.
What you’re saying is pretty much just go sit there and pick up loot after a meteor is done doing nothing, which at that point i wouldn’t really call it ‘playing’ a game. I go by the lines of playing a game is to have fun, not sit there doing nothing while watching people do stuff.
Technically it’s possible. Would i recommend this? No.


Thank you very much for this advice. It helped me to get some coins for the start.


As someone that just started about 2 months ago, I’ll put in my 2 cents:

The best way to get coins for getting started is absolutely hunts. Obviously time-zone issue is a thing, so this can’t apply for some players if they’re on bad timezone like me (UTC +7, organized hunts stopped at about 12pm and start again at 11pm) or can only play at certain time.
The good news is, while joining hunts has a good effort/resource to reward ratio (as someone else pointed out, technically you can go on a hunt with only a basic totem, since bigger meteors are desired and people tend to be okay with it even if you just stand around) which is really great for newbies (which basically has 0 resource and coin), it’s not the only way.
In my opinion, the 2nd best way for newbies (again, assuming almost 0 coin and only have access to early game stuff) is gathering. You can do it perfectly fine with copper or iron tools (very accessible for newbies, available in starter worlds and easy to craft). There’s a lot of high demand items that are easy to get in large quantities: beans, orbs (from plants, not from sponge/growth), lamellas, and since plants are pretty weak, just iron axe can do well.

Your options really open up after you have access to decent tools (at least AoE titanium tools, or for hammer in particular, single target titanium is fine), crafting stations, and skills (enough to max damage in one tool).
After you’re past this point, it’s a matter of what you like to do. I’d argue there’s no single best way to get money at this point, since prices change constantly. Other players have pointed out various great things to farm and sell and I definitely agree with a lot of them. My personal recommendation would be hunt drops, glass, fossil and coals (and other mining drops if you don’t use), gatherables, etc… or go the chrysominter route and mint stone doors and maybe even refined gleams (exp grinding byproduct)


And after that hunt they can go sell that loot and buy all the forged slingbows they want in order to participate however much they want… .at the next hunt…

Lets not kid new players they just need a totem to start or a grapple and a unforged gem slingbow to feel like they are participating and anything after that they probably have learned enough of the game to understand what they want.


(more doors for me intensifies)
I think that mining, gleam boll farming (wether you use the door method or not), and hunting are very good ways to earn a decent amount of coin.

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Don’t forget Q-Mart in DK Mall! We believe T6 AoE tools should be affordable to all. We don’t stock defects and we have tools of all kinds. If there’s something not in stock, just drop a line and let us know!

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Agreed, you all have great stuff! :smiley:


I see your point…but I disagree. If you’re not actively participating in a hunt, then you’re not learning anything.
I tend to take new players out on small hunts and give them help to get them used to it. I’ll get them armed with a decent unforged slingbow, some healing brews, and then watch the battle, helping where it’s needed.
Sometimes, you’ve got to kick them out of the nest and see if they can fly…


You could always hire someone to mine. There are people who love the constant grind of mining. I can do it for hours.
Back when I played EVE, I used to 8 hour mining ops.

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I don’t remember where the thread is, but I think it was @DKPuncherello saying he’d happily pay large sums for people to go get him a few smart stacks of certain things.

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Haha yeah that was a while ago, I’m pretty good on mats now


Some of us that have hours on the game don’t dilute prices. I buy high and sell at a modest price myself. So get the facts right thanks. New people gather gather gather mine have fun enjoy the game u will get there


U guys are crazy I can buy a 7k hammer and go mime up 5 or 6 ss of gems by the time it breaks. More than any hunt. I prefer mining over hunts. Have never done a hunt ever


Hunting is not for everyone. But the hunts that are run by @Bethlehem are some of the most fun hunts I’ve ever been on. And she is a good leader. It’s pretty organized.