Atlas heat map update (and a trick how to force it on PC)

I was sure the heat map display rule of distribution actually. It shows where resources must be instead of where it actually are. So this way it no needed updating. Correct me if I wrong.

Also physical map on atlas updates just when you use it I think.

If they just displayed a rule of distribution then you wouldn’t see pin points for surface resources as a lot of them don’t have totally specific biomes or altitudes etc …have a go with fiberous leaves. Also the atlas wouldn’t need any sort of map update apart from when you’re discovering regions and even then all that data is already there as it’s just at client side it reveals each region as you discover them.

Planet textures have update as well as atlases which use that. So you can see bridges on Till and that must have updates.
Surface resources have rules for distribution, but I can’t say anything because I didn’t look for fibrous leaves this way.

True, I forgot about the built structures gradually being visible on the atlas. I know the surface resources have rules of distribution but some of them aren’t as strict as gems. If you put a fiberous leaf in an atlas or even one of the more common orbs you will see lots of pin points of light rather than the graduated hot spots for gems, ores and coals etc.

I would like the heat map to be clearer, personally. I can not really spot the brightness differences unless I sit really close to my tv.

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That would be good too … but for me always having an outdated map means it doesn’t matter how clear it was if there’s nothing actually there to find … hopefully both these issues will be addressed in the not too distant future … and hopefully a Dev could answer my initial question :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Sorry @StVladd …I just read my reply back, I didn’t mean to sound dismissive or anything like that of your comment, it’s a very valid point and I’m guessing if you’re playing on PS4 using a tv it must look quite out of focus in comparison to being viewed on a much smaller computer monitor.


Its a white hot mess if you can get your atlas to work by being on the outer edge of regions as when you find a region the fog of war covers it until its fixed…

No worries man you didn’t sound dismissive. I hope both issues will be resolved, for now I can still mine pretty good without, but it would be a nice improvement indeed.

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lol i wish they would just make the color more obvious, when you hunt things like shimmering orbs and sweet beans the color is almost impossible to see. maybe i just need a bigger monitor

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Yeah they are like tiny faint pin points, either that or I need my eyes tested :nerd_face:

7pm above ground

After mining a bit 730ish
850pm i may not have gotten all the rubies but for i got most 905pm
I tried returning to sanctum to see if that would update it as well, and next ill try to load back into the game having had to quit to gain access to the screenshots. It should have showed some difference in the heat map…
Edit: Seems that 9pm central is NOT when the atlas updates


Which part of the world are you in? I’m in the UK so for me I think it works out that in theory it should update at about midnight to 1 am for me.

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US East, Central time zone lol. So you’re like 4-5 hours ahead of us “across the pond”?

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I’m pretty sure it’s haven’t update for all but your experiment is interesting =)

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I’ll have to see if I can try the same experiment hopefully this weekend. Clear out an area before midnight then keep checking to see if the map changes after 1 am.

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I’m hoping it’s part of whatever fix they have planned for this week.

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I’ve got a feeling the update will only fix the PS4 problem with the atlases which from what I remember reading it has already been fixed but wasn’t in time for the last patch.

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I love the experiment man…
Should we continue this experiment…
I say yes…
I’m gonna go mine for the next hour… and burn a hole in some spots… let find out if and when man… its 5 am central standard time now…
Just keep this system going…
9 PM CST - No reset… note saved !!


Is there any chance a Dev could answer my initial question please. @james @Steggs101 @lucadeltodecso @rossstephens @vdragon @Tobelawe @olliepurkiss @luke-turbulenz @Minyi … my apologies for all the multiple @s wasn’t sure who was the best person to ask … sorry if I missed anyone too :slightly_smiling_face:
I realise this might seem like a small thing to some people but for me it would make a huge difference in being able to make best use of my playing time. If the only time I can rely on a reasonably up to date map is at say 1am then perhaps I could occasionally do an all-nighter once in a blue moon at the weekend to look for gems and just use the rest of my time for other stuff rather than wasting endless hour’s going from one mined out hot spot to the next as is the current situation. Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmm, not one response from any developer, somewhat disappointing but not surprising :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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