Atlas World needs new home, I need a guild

Yes, I just freshened up in one, why?

If your looking to set up with your sons, I would find a land far far away from everything. As your son may get yelled at by some random passer by.

That would explain it then. I hope you trained your son well. I hear frieza came back in your absence.

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If you are looking for bubbly blue poison Iconic be the place to go. New city but there is a medieval theme.
You must know the player base is down. So your options are very limited.

Game has some parental controls, and I can turn chat off. Kid too young to understand how to turn them back on.

In any case, I’m sitting next to him, watching his screen.

I don’t need to have a blue color scheme - sorry I thought we were just shitposting.

Now about finding a guild and a town, any suggestions? I have discord, teamspeak, headset, whatever.

Oh yes I was joking too I use a lot of blue :slight_smile:

More than welcome to come to my guild town. It’s not a huge town but we are a few active people. Plenty of portals to other places. Order of Oortian on Sorissi. Think we are rank 5 for the planet. Got a discord too if you want to join it. Just let me know. Tho you can find me in the forge master discord too.

Can you log on real quick so I can warp to you and check it out?

I’m at work at the moment unfortunately

We’re on Sorissi (and discord too, the Starlight Guardians. We’re very friendly with new and returning players of all ages, and though we’re not huge, we’re active and connected to the PS hub on our planet, as well as working on a portal network. We have a portal at the Sorissi PS Hub, and I can hop on if you’re around tonight (I’m EST, it’s almost 10:30pm here).

I also might still have a warp to Order of Oortian somewhere, but I couldn’t really help with the ins and outs of it, just with getting you there and back

Hi! I’m the leader of iLLumiNaughty. We are located on Trior and the city began at launch.

Our guild is very active and has a lot of really fun people. I would say we are best suited for PS4 players mainly because most of us are, yet we welcome everyone. If you are PS4, we have an active voice chat that is up much of the time.

We have great relationships with several other communities in game and we pride ourselves on being helpful and welcoming to new players.

We currently have several guild project which fund our guild buffs. They renew each Saturday. There are no requirements to joining us, and really our only rule is “Don’t be a d$&@“… :blush:

If you want to check us out head to Trior. We are the Ultima US East Trior hub, and others.

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Welcome back!!! And congratulations!!!

Duskmoor, capital of pheminorum is probably the largest ACTIVE community in the game currently. There is always people around town and plenty of room for you to set up shop wherever you’d like!!!


We aren’t the largest, or the most active, and definitely not the prettiest :hugs:

But would be happy to have yall. Kiddo included.

We are the Sunlight Guild Town on trior.
Feel free to stop by and take a look.
We’re not fully open yet. Soon tho!
Plenty of room and not a cost to get it.

We have 4 extremely active people. Daily players. Have since ps4 release!

My wife and kids all play and have property in town so the more family builds the better!

But seriously, everyone that posted has a sweet place too so its a toss up :hugs:

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We could offer you a flagship store at our mall
and we having a housing area
no serious guild stuff though
just guildbooks for rentsystem on some shops
others ya can just own

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You can join Reapers if you’re worthy.


Hahahahaha. Too funny.

You are Welcome in river Towns on arie ( bigest City in game) .
Guid Name is River Towns Guild: RTG
The most of us are German and UK Players.
Very Active.
We have space free :grinning:

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