Auction: RIFT Grapples 1 pair

This auction will run approximately 48 hours until 12:01 AM MST (UTC -7) May 6th.

Opening bid is 4000 coins this price and all bids are for a pair of grapples. 100c minimum increments and no anti-sniping time, last submission before the deadline wins.

I’ll only be accepting bids in this thread thanks.

Lets start the bid off on a high note

Il bid 10000c for the pair!

Are they forged?

They aren’t glowing and none of the ones in his inventory have the little thing in the middle showing its forged. So I’d say no they aren’t.

11000c bid.

I’l go 12000c

Why do I get the feeling that Vansten is a plant in order to get a high sell?


Definitely not, nope, nudda, nota chance, nuh-uh.

Naa but seriously i just want those grapples, could be useful if i only used them during hunting to preserve durability.

I’ll play. 13000c bid

Edited for grammar and clarity

13500c bid

14500c bid

16000 (for pair)

16100c ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Haha, good deal this is fun… 16900

17500c lesgo

also like how everyone’s focused on the rift grapples but hardly anyone’s bidding on the blink ones

I wish i could use fractions here…

And with that im out of the bidding race, good show!

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20000c bid

(wasn’t he selling them for 10000c each originally?)

Good Morning.

No these are clean.

Vansten has been a surprise!

Hmm Yes. Look at that.

I have sold a couple of rift grapples for 5k and 6k each piece. Similar to the few blink Items I’ve been selling for 5400c.

I have not seen these grapples offered that cheaply anywhere else. Thanks for the bids.

12 (ish) hours on this one. Blinvir looking good!

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