Auto collector - gravity box

Hi everyone,

Kinda attached to the forum again i was wondering if we will get block interactive elements.

From that thought it lead me to the question, if it would be possible to create certain items able to “auto collect” blocks in a certain enviroment. Especially for blocks with need a huge amount of hits and which are accumulated in a small area, this could make sense to save time and tool durability.

I imagine a “gravity box”. You set the box on a certain place. Activate it. And after a few seconds it sucks all blocks in a cube of i.e. 5 x 5 x 5 in (beaconed blocks excluded). Afterwards the creator of this box is able to loot the box, which now contains all recources “sucked in” from the radius.

The box could be built one time and with fuel you could use it several times. Or it is used up after one time charge.

I believe it could be even a nice item giving advantage on the miners skilltree (sorry i am not up to date of which skill trees are currently existing), instead of making it a general item available for everyone.

Additionally i would limit it to one item per player and give it a cooldown time (in case you can use it multiple times), so the advantage is not too huge.

Additionally this thought:
Small creators and players could be killed when standing in its gravity radius, stronger creatures would receive damage. In case of miners skilltree this could even give possibilities to makes use of miners in combat.
Maybe too much brainstorming yet :wink:

Happy to recieve feedback.

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I totally understand where you’re coming from with this. It could be a great idea, but could also lead to people somehow abusing the technology in sly ways.

It’s frustrating as hell to loose essential things, especially when mining in lava, all because they’re ever so slightly outside of the pickup radius towards your character. This could be solved with perhaps tweaking the radius of said pickup and possibly giving an upgrade skill/option of ‘filtering’ what you pick up (because let’s face it, having tonnes of foliage, flint, gravel & mud is just plain annoying to have to throw away).

Or give us the option to grind those overly plentiful minor items down into more useful things or coins.

I don’t quite get, if your explanation below your 2nd sentence regards to the abuse you mention? To me it is another problem of picking up digged out items, that you talk of. The gravity box i am talking of should “dig” for you. It just lets all blocks disappear in a defined radius (with exceptions like lava, water and maybe some other). And it contains it recources afterwards.

However, everything can be abused in a game as long as there are not enough restrictions for an item / ability. Gamers always find ways and then its task of the devs to solve the abuse as in every other game. As i said there would be different parameters to play with.