Beacon Expiring?

I just got a Notification that my beacon is Expiring when I logged in just now I have 250w 1d 16h 8m on my beacons still I’m confused

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Not a campfire. Put down with chest

I never used campfires to store stuff

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:scream: Have you confirmed on beacon itself? Probably a server message error boop

My beacon looks fine it was just a msg when I logged in just posting it just in case

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Maybe they cancelled gc in favour of gc plus or total haha lie: cancelled it because the game is ending and refunded everyone’s gc

More seriously, is it a sovereign beacon or planet?

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My planets all have 3 weeks roughly still wish I coulda took a picture it just said warning your beacon is Expiring. But me beacons all look fine just gave me a heart attack

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I had this happen before. It was a beacon I had placed on someone’s sovereign. Since it was expiring it was letting me know the beacon I placed on that planet would as well expire, since your beacon on a sovereign will expire if the world is going to go offline.


same warning happens for beacons you have added that isn’t yours.

Specially if data needs updating GC / Normal fuel sync on them


It’s says my beacon is expiring after 2 hours when I have placed a campfire down when I’m on a hunt. Do you use campfires on hunts?


Huntsman is right its 100% this answer
I have had it happen at times when I got beacons added that ain’t mine but they expired
nothing to worry about @BabyCookie

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I don’t use campfires on hunts I only ever use 5 slots when I hunt so I never fully fill up on hunts normally have extra 2 slots at end of hunts

Think it is what hunt-chan said it new to me lol