Beacon Permissions

I think y’all need to wrap your head around the fact that that’s not what the entire “villager” concept should be used for in first place. If you want to build something in that scale you’d probably want to found a guild for it anyway.
It seems like we’ll get two different, independent systems for collaborative building, which is quite convenient imo . And I think that each of these two mechanics should be suited for different applications (thus the suggestion of a simple villager concept and a more complex guild-management mechanic)

I can only guess but I’d imagine that you’ll be able to add friendship tokens to locks once they re-implement them.

As with the “Guilds and Beacons” discussion I think that a lot of the confusion and complaints here are issued by poor naming. Maybe changing ‘villager’ to something like ‘collaborator’ would give players a better indication of what to expect?

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