Beacon zip file feature

No, I don’t mean literally. What I do mean is that we need a way to pack our bags, so to speak, and have an instantaneous and comprehensive tear down of a location. This would be for those flighty birds like me who are well spread out and well furnished but get bored or uneasy or cooped up or just whatever and want to reset to another location with a fresh build idea.

If I so chose to do this currently, there are some locations that I might as well plan an entire day to relocate everything. However, I have several builds like this. The tear down is not the fun part devs. Can we get a zip and archive feature that binds the resources of an estate to a vault block or something of the like, that we can then unpack into storage?

TLDR; A process for easy tear down and all in one plot removal would take some tedium out of exploring and building.


Ugh. This is something I would love to see in the game maybe more than anything else right now. I’m not really happy where I set up, but it’s not efficient for me to tear EVERYTHING down and move it, especially with the large amount of items I have. This sort of thing would be incredible, and I don’t think it would be against the spirit of the game.

Oh wow. I just thought of another use other than moving!

Okay so beacons were added to protect our plots from devastation. Beacon fueling was added to make sure beacons disappear over time when players quit the game so the world isn’t littered with dead plots. If we could save our build to a “vault block”, it could be used for those who want to take a large break from the game / decide to come back in the future after more updates have hit, without having to log in to refuel their beacons. This has the added benefit of players’ builds not being stuck in the world as dead plots and others could take the land they left behind. (Which, to reiterate, was the entire point of needing to fuel Beacons anyway.)

Honestly I’m pumped if there is ANY possibility of this. It sounds amazing, and I believe it would be a huge benefit to the game.

@james @lucadeltodecso @Steggs101 Is this something even possible to code into this game without being too much of a load on servers?


I’m kinda in the same boat here. Made it to rank 5 on Angel 1, but the location is just so… out of the way.
Portal costs are expensive and we literally started building where we first showed up on the world, which is by nothing. Logged on today after days of rl chaos and all but two of my portals are down.
So we’re giving thought moving to a t4 or t5 semi near a hub… but it’s so… much… work… it would just seem like all our time was wasted.


Wow yeah. This is a nice addition to the suggestion. I mean to me this would really help with customer retention because folks could rest easy knowing they can take a break with minimal repercussions.


I think it’s a fantastic idea too, I’ve been and sometimes even think about it now about possibly needing/wanting to move and then deciding to stay put because of just how much work it would take. …but …on the flip side, imagine if you’re part of a big city in a good location then log in one day to find half the city has disappeared overnight because the city founders wanted a change of scenery and just packed up and moved. (I’m not in any prime location so I’m not thinking about myself) Towns and cities could potentially just keep popping up and disappearing at a whim which wouldn’t be any good for shops etc. (I realise that probably wouldn’t happen but just exploring the potential down side to it too)

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I mean, the idea is convenient and such, but I see a couple problems.

  1. When you deploy your build elsewhere, what happens to land, plants, water/lava, and creatures in the way? If it just breaks blocks, like meteor portals do, then people can take advantage of these things to mass farm areas. If they just destroy the blocks and leave no drops, a naughty player or somebody exploiting the system could still cause problems using their builds to dig massive holes everywhere. Can you imagine a mining tunnel that moves with you? For this to work, you cannot destroy or replace blocks when placing your builds; people can exploit it otherwise.

  2. I feel like part of the thrill and benefit in moving IS making the choice of what you bring with you and how you rebuild. Also, the set up of when you arrive at the next destination is necessary for proper interactions with your neighbors. Like, if you can just uproot one build and keep bringing it with you, I feel you will never get a real appreciation for how your build works with the planet or land it is on and you will never be inspired to change things up because it is much more convenient to stick with what you have invested in already. And then there is the neighbor thing… When you move in to a new place and start building, you attract your neighbors’ attention and they come over and say hi and stuff. I had a neighbor once build a road up to my new place in Boori and that helped me decide where my new entrance would be. If you just plop down an instant build, nobody has a chance to see you coming and things could get awkward.

Skip here if you do not want to read my ramblings.
Bah, as I write I can think of more issues, but rather than outline them more and just say “no”, might I suggest a compromise? If this idea is ever a thing, I do not think I would be happy with it in the game unless it was restricted to a small size of like 1-4 plots. It gives people the chance to pack up something to start them off and it is small enough that it should not be too easy to cause problems with.

yep, i rather vote “no” because of the same reasons

I was actually just thinking of this. You could focus on the “core” of your build and start from scratch the rest around it.

Also, time restraints. Can only do once, or once every 30-60 days.

I was not clear. My mistake. I did not mean that the build that you zipped would have the ability to unpack as it was but rather that it would…

So all your posessions are not lost but yes you would have to replot and rebuild.

Not sure if this is helpful or not. But in my mind I’m picturing someone building a huge platform of warp conduit underneath their entire base and activating it, and the base literally falls through the portal to the new location :rofl:


Do you mean…

  1. Your entire build is stored?

  2. You use it and all your blocks automatically go into it?

  3. A “safe” where you can manually store everything for easy transfer?

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I would imagine to deploy a base the receiving plot would need to be voxel-free first. Also you could probably dupe items with this feature somehow…

These threads should be merged