Beacons not appear on Guild Beacon list

I’ve created a new guild a while back and just noticed the guild beacon list is empty.

I know for certain there are several beacons aligned and controlled by the guild.

Here it says there are 19 guild controlled beacons

but the list is empty

are conditions that must be met for those beacons to appear on the list?

You say that several beacons are aligned, but the first screenshot doesn’t show any aligned beacons at all.

Yes, you are right. It says 0 beacon aligned. That’s weird.

To my knowledge, a beacon has to be aligned first then it can be controlled. So it should say 19 beacons aligned as well.

I can’t click on the control button here unless I align the beacon to a guild first.

Did I do something wrong here? I don’t understand.

Yes, you would normally need to align beacons before you can select the option to allow guilds to control, yet it’s quite strange to see that you have controlled beacons but no aligned ones. What does the GUI information look like for the controlled non-aligned beacons?

I don’t have any controlled non-aligned beacon.

I just noticed something weird. Please see this video

At the beginning of the video, as you can see, there is no beacon listed. Then I tested adding one of my beacon to the guild, and the next It shows all the beacons aligned to the guild.

After I removed the beacon, the list is empty again.

I’ve submitted a game log a minute ago using a character named Hela.

I did another test by using a different guild.

I got the same result. The guild beacon list is first empty, then it is populated after my beacon is aligned.

There is one thing in common of both guild, I have no beacon aligned to the guild. The beacon I use to test this is the first beacon aligned to the guild.

But it may not be the cause. I tested opening the guild control book of other guild, the beacon list is populated (not empty)

I’m so confused

Before I address the reply, the Aligned Beacons total does actually decrease by one if you choose to have a guild control a beacon. I need to check with the designers to check if this should be the case.

I’ve noticed in the video that when the Guild Beacon List appeared, most of those beacons have the light green icon, but only one has the ALIGNED text.

When I tried to recreate this in game, I get the following:

For the beacons that do not have the ALIGNED text in your case, could you interact with one of those and check if they are aligned or not?

I can click on the beacon names in that list.

From what I can see, I have several beacons aligned. All of the owned by this character or my alts.

The ones with text “aligned” next to it are beacons on the world I’m currently on (lasaina).

This one doesn’t have the text “aligned”, located on different world owned by Hela.

This one doesn’t have the text “aligned”, located on different world owned by different character.

I think I see a pattern here… the text “aligned” and “controlled” won’t be displayed if the beacon listed on the guild book is located on different world.

I think the guild book won’t display any beacon names in the list if there are none of the beacons in the list located on the world where the guild book is located.

Ah, so they are on different worlds. Might give that a try.

Could you also interact with those beacons without the ALIGNED text, just to show whether they are aligned / controlled?

These 2 beacons are clickable. This is what I get after clicking them

I meant something like this:

:sweat_smile: my mistake

This is the overview of the beacon on houchus

This is the overview of the beacon on Sorissi

After spending a bit of time trying to recreate this, I was able to reproduce the ALIGNED text issue by placing beacons on different worlds, but not the problem with the Guild Beacon List being empty.

Would you be able to submit a game log if you get the problem again?

I suggest try open the guild book on a new world; none of the beacons aligned to that guild should exists on this world. Check whether the guild book’s beacon list shows anything

I’ll inform you here after it’s done

I’ve sumitted 2 game logs few minutes ago
I submitted one where currently the guild beacon list does not show anything.
I submitted another after I aligned a beacon to the guild. The list is now populated with beacon aligned to the guild.

I have tested a simple scenario to test to get the guild book to show an empty beacon list.

I placed a beacon on dzassak.
I created a new guild (called guild A for example)
I then align the beacon to Guild A.
If you open the guild book, You should see the beacon is listed in the build beacon list.

I placed a new beacon on lasaina. Do not align the beacon yet.
Place and open guild book of guild A.
The beacon list should be empty.
Then align the new beacon to Guild A.
The guild book should list 2 beacons. One beacon on dzassak (it should not have the text “aligned”) and another beacon on lasaina (with the text “aligned”)

I hope you can understand how I tried to explain my steps to test it :see_no_evil:

Both beacons to test this are near PS hubs both dzassak and lasaina.
The coordinates are 843N, 1063E, A:64 (Dzassak) and -135N, 571E, A:72 (Lasaina)
Both beacons have a guild book next to it

I’d like to suggest removing the text “aligned” all together.

No point in displaying it as all the beacons in the guild beacon list are there because they were aligned to the guild.

The text “controlled” is still relevant to show which ones are controlled and which ones aren’t

Thanks for explaining the process step-by-step. Looks like a Guild Control book set as an additional control causes the issue. I’ve added these to the bug database.