Being able to let people rent your planet for coins? [placeholder]

O i am sure people will, and am not against that in itself, but if the devs add it specifically, then the argument P2W is more directed to the game and the devs, instead of the players.

If people wanna do this in game, no problem with that.

I do not think it should be a feature added tho.

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I am not in favor of this actually. There is a difference in extending gleam club for someone that may not be able to do it themselves, but is not leaving the game. Players can extend a planet by adding keys, which I view as the same thing as extending gleam club. I have not heard of gleam club being extended for a player that the developers know is gone.


I agree and that person should have the ability to shut the planet down for whatever reason and it is not really up to the rest of the community to stop them anymore that it is to stop someone from reclaiming their build.

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I do see your point. I think it would take a good bit of code/admin work to add it too.

Person A pays for a rental.
Leases it to player B for 500k a month.
Player A forgets to pay for the rental and player B loses their planet. What then
Or Player B doesn’t pay for their lease so player A leases it to player C…
It could get icky.


Again though, how would this not be against the EULA? It’s literally paying money for coin, isn’t it?

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It already exists.

Player A pays $99 for cubits.
Gets plots, creates a guild/market.
Charges players 5000 coins a week to join. :woman_shrugging:

The game doesn’t stop people from doing this. How/why would they stop players from giving coins to a rental planet owner - it works the same as the other planets.

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Yup very much so. I personally can’t see it ever becoming a thing unless the devs change their stance on that.

This is the step that is missing from getting coin for renting a planet. You actually have to put effort in to build said market, instead of just throwing money at a planet.

As far as I know, you can only apply a key to extend a planet if you have a beacon (or I think “Can Claim” permissions) on that planet. I don’t think a random visitor to the planet can extend it.

I guess that means a player that no longer wants to extend their planet needs to remove those permissions and any beacons on it to stop.


we could start selling parts off the planet
i have good technique buy land make buildings ugly so i lower the price off the remaining land when i own half the planet i revamp and sell for massive profit
i see def drama in future only difference is with rentals people can say its a rental its your own fault even after 4 years off hard work still your own fault if ya get kicked
im super curious to see what will happen in the future

our we could continue the chinese building bubble sceme and add more ghostcitys to the public worlds to keep builders happy and busy

dang i hope one day we get some interactive stuff to make builds more interesting
and build adventures puzzles dungeons storys custom items to sell
buildings fun to visit
people reaching the creative limit these days beside building nice objects/buildings

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theres nothing to win atm so if ya buy coins all ya can do is give them away to others lol
worst ya can do is somehow buy out universe off something and hoard it i guess
im very busy with work these days but once i got time to play again i wonna build some luxury relax villa’s to sell to rich people to create something they can spend coin on
i was working on one at cookies place before i had to do a small break

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True. There was a previous thread where players were asking for the ability to keep/save a planet - even if the founder wanted it gone. I guess they could remove all beacons or remove public access 1st, like you mentioned - so it couldn’t be saved by anyone.

It’s a thing already and I’m sure people will do the same with rental planets. The only thing missing would be the devs adding it to the exchange or shop - but I think it would create a lot of extra work & maintenance for them, so I also never see it happening (from their end).

Cubits can be earned in game… a rental planet (so far as we know but :crossed_fingers:) cannot. That just seems like a big difference to me.


Very true. :thinking:

It’s an interesting discussion for sure.

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I’m not sure I understand why someone would do this… but I don’t have any arguments against it. It is basically something people can do now for other builds, and stuff. With some work we could do this already with a guild, request baskets, planet with guild only perms. I’d prefer something across the board for all systems and not just linked to planets. I wouldn’t want it linked to cubits or anything real cash based. I see this as maybe an extension of services/contracts if we start trying to let them exist in the game.

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Personally it seems logical to me why people would do it. But in any case, first rule of making an MMO is don’t worry about logic, just assume somebody somewhere will do everything possible 8 billion times.

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