Besevrona Plant Spawn Rate Bugged

The spawn rate of plants on Besevrona is far too low. AFAIK I am the only one to be gathering in many areas (I never see any other players) but ever since the first time I mass harvested (when the planet was fresh), nothing (or very little) has respawned.
Besevrona is listed as a lush planet, so this has got to be a bug.

This affects all harvested plants on Besevrona.

If you literally ‘only’ gather surface resources and never place or modify other blocks, then a current issue is that this wont trigger regeneration of the chunk (as nothing has changed to be regenerated) which also means resource regeneration which occurs as a result of regeneration wont trigger also.

That’ll be fixed in the near future, but for now… mine a block in the chunk, and resources will regenerate along with it.


Does chiseling count? :smiley:


This kind of helpful info would be perfect for a stickied Known Issues thread.


That explains alot


Yeah… I practically never break blocks when gathering surface resources. I just use a grapple to get out of holes. Now I know why it takes so long to find glowing mushrooms and why no dripping wax mushrooms respawn.


Oh damn, I just did a bunch of gathering on the new planets and didn’t destroy anything >.<

Future apologies!

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So, instead of using an axe, I can use a shovel and remove the block below the resource. Luck has the same effect if I do this?


Just carry a chisel with you when you go gathering.

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Hope they fix this soon though. It is sort of important to the economy. Those of us who play as forgers have run out of everything. I guess I will just go play something else.

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Is this a confirmed thing? I guess it does change the structure so must count. Spose that’s what I’ll do until there’s a proper fix in for it.

Any idea how big a ‘chunk’ here is? Can you help with that please @lucadeltodecso? I’m assuming they aren’t ‘plot’ sized?

That does explain the rarity. I have been going farther and farther away to find desert sword. I thought people were finding my spots. Guess not. Is this being fixed with the other changes in regen?

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I really hope this issue gets more attention. IMO this is the single most pressing issue at the moment, it’s not just Besevrona. If the surface resource respawn bug is not handled and we have this influx of people, there is going to be a serious infrastructure problem. I am bumping here to raise awareness,
Here is my PSA: Please gather surface resources by digging the block under it until this issue is confirmed fixed. Thank you all for doing your part.


I just didn’t understand the respawn rules. I used to just gather the plants. Then they never came back!!

Now after I gather the plant, while walking from one plant to the other i use a shovel to pluck some dirt/sand. And it worked!! 13hrs later, the chunk “regens” the dirt i plucked up, and also plants more plants.

As long as I do it that way, it works for me. Doesnt seem like a problem the devs need to fix, cause as long as you scoop some ground it triggers the world regen.

chunks are 16x16 blocks

It is a problem. You should not be forced to fig dirt just so you can gather plants.


For everyone’s information, resource regeneration is something we’re working on right now. Ollie talks about it on this thread: World Regeneration Design Adjustment so feel free to take a look there to see what we’re doing and let us know what you think.


And to add, of course this is a bug and is being fixed. There is actually another variation of the bug where if you fully regenerate a chunk using regeneration bombs… then you will also not get any resources (surface or otherwise) respawned until you break a block and let it regenerate “naturally” (and that will be fixed too of course).


ETA on this fix? It is nearly impossible to forge items now because of this. Coupled with not being able to make titanium tools my store is going to go out of business.