Bobs Farms (Old Thread)

You will see go check it out…look at the roof haah!

Hey thanks for the thanks!

This especially happens if you’re swinging during regen. One thing that’s interesting is that since you’re standing basically in the center of the regenerating area if you look up you can see how the stuff regenerates from the outside of a globe toward the center.

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Small update: A little remodeling is under way for some of the farms. At this time we are offering 1x2 portals at our Shedu mud farm (exotic yam) if anyone would be interested. As well in the process of adding portals to our other farms as well. If you would like a portal that is larger then a 1x2 please let us know. Thank you everyone for your support.

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We still need to meet up to set up those portals!

Remodeling has finished. Would you like to meet now?

Updated Original Post. Player Portals added and new networks added La Familia and Nova Golda.


NEW updated photos for remodeled farms!

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Thank you for making our lives easier… someone will be enjoying my footfall when i come to these farms :slight_smile:

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HELLO UNIVERSE! We would like to announce the growth farm expansion on Galan. Please come see soon. Now with 3 growth farms in total available at one fully protected location. Yes I did say 3 farms. Dare we say largest growth farm in the UNIVERSE!!!

Farm #1

Farm #2

Farm #3

(Unable to edit OP)


Bobs farms is a fun farm!


I love Bob’s farms.

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Also reachable through Nova Golda’s portal network!

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Excellent! TY! :grinning:

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Seriously though, this is probably the most efficient farm yet. Very nicely done!!

Had time to do a quick farm run before getting the grill going. No speed brew used on this anyone else + a speed brew would blow this out of the water, so likely 400 shimmers is what’s realistic here for 1 speed brew.

Let’s assume 200 is what you get, 200 shimmers @35c is 7000c. If you double my output that’s 14k for 1 brew which is what 15mins?

For those who are concerned with making money it’s a pretty decent Avenue.


It’s all thanks to the community support! Keeps us wanting to make more. Now what for houchus and malu?

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To give comparison. I used a persisting pie and a diamond shovel 3x3, no brews. Pulled 1272 shimmering orbs and didn’t count how much growth in the time it took the pie to run out. Just sold all the orbs for 30c. Did not mint the growth yet.

Unable to edit post could you help with that? @Stretchious (thought id ask since saw you were able to fix the forge method post)

I had to make the last one a wiki, which means anyone can edit it… let me know if you still want me to do that

Alright thanks I’ll just make a new one soon

I noticed there are beaconed rooms in the back ate you allowing people to rent a room to store growth and orbs on the farm