Boundless Celebrations/Holidays

Hi all.

I was just thinking, looking at all the topics about Halloween, Columbus Day etc., that it would be cool to create Boundless/Oortian Celebrations/Holidays Calendar with dates (occasions) connected with the game itself.

Remembering about Player Content Only Principle, we could create player-made Oortian Calendar and it would be up to players to mark all the important days with events, occasional builds and decorations etc.

Main one would be the date of Boundless official release - that I think is quite obvious and most (if not all) can relate to that and agree with. How will you call that important Holiday?

Then there could be a lot of Holidays for specific roles/professions, for example Farmer Day could be celebrated on the day of farming release. It can have more creative name, like The Day Of The Holy Goo :wink:

Other important days could also follow that idea: being placed in the Oortian Calendar to commemorate the dates of important updates.

Anyone remembers the date of releasing the portal update? Thatā€™s a perfect Traveler or Explorer Day.

What do you think?
Share thoughts, ideas for Oortian Holidays. Be creative! Be boundless!
We are responsible for creating Boundless Lore. Make this universe alive and truly ours.


Love it! :slight_smile: Definitely the anniversary of release should be an official day of celebration for us - it was so nice recognizing it here on the board with all our tributes, would be nice to do more in the game to celebrate!

Also, the suggestion brought up here, Dev Day, a day to recognize all the work put into bringing us the wonder that is Boundless - :smiley:

Iā€™ll try to think of some myself here!

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The Main Oortian Holidays can be complemented by ā€œlocalā€ ones - special days of guilds/settlements etc. (be it Ultima, PS or Hubbit or other networks, all the guilds big and small - whatever players feel gives them reason to celebrate: add your special dates here to create Holidays for your towns, cities or maybe entire planets?).

First to put down is the release date: it was September, 11 for all and September, 7 for EA backers.
So, maybe make it a few day Holiday? Celebrations to take place from the 7th untill the 11th of September (calling the 7th The Backer Day and the entire Holiday something like Interplanetary Oortian Day or The Day Of Boundless Creation or whatever).

Whatever the name, here is the start of the list of Holidays. Copy and paste if you want to add something to the list in your post (so the most updated version of the list can be found in the end of the topic).

I am adding The Farmer Day, based on the date of farming update release.
Please post suggestions for names of Holidays.


July, 18: Farmer Day/Holy Goo Day/Mulching Day
September, 7-11: Boundless Creation Day/Interplanetary Oortian Day

  • September, 7: Backer Day
  • any ideas to name the 11th or maybe even individual names for all days between the 7th and the 11th?

Boundless Birthday Bash? :wink:

Hmm, maybe in keeping with the astronomy theme, maybe some things to coincide with actual astronomical events? Like for example, a couple Meteor Day events - celebrate meteors and the hunts. Have them at the general peak of the two big showers: Perseids (August 12th) and Leonids (November 17th). Always did love laying out and watching meteor showers from early childhoodā€¦ :grin: Perhaps other things based around the solstices or equinoxes.

Oort Day - Could make that April 28th, Jan Oortā€™s birthday. :wink: Not many holidays around that time so a good placement. Celebrate, what else, that precious resource we all crave more of! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I checked some important releases dates and updated the list of possible Holidays:


January, 15: Guild Day (date of guilds release)
January, 31: Gatherer Day (date of surface resources release) - ALTERNATIVELY can be set to day of atlases release
March, 1: Interplanetary Journey Day (date of releasing portals!!! that was some change! it was in 2017)
April, 10: Exo Day (date of exoworlds release)
April, 23: Wildstock Day (date of wildstock release; or prehistoric wildstock if you wish; that funy golden placeholder)
May, 12: Emote Day/Interacting Day (date of introducing emotes/gestures)
July, 18: Farmer Day/Holy Goo Day/Mulching Day (date of farming release)
July, 21: Crafter Day (date of machine crafting release)
July, 27: Forger Day (date of centraforge release)
September, 7-11: Boundless Creation Day/Interplanetary Oortian Day

  • September, 7: Backer Day
  • any ideas to name the 11th or maybe even individual names for all days between the 7th and the 11th?

September, 18: Builder Day/Sculptor Day (date of all chisels release) OR May, 28 (first chisel release)
October, 20: The Boundless Name Day (Oort Online has become Boundless)
November, 13: Roadrunner Day (the oort bird got its new model - CANā€™T FIND RELEASE INTRODUCING ROADRUNNERā€¦ still looking for it)
December, 8: Merchant Day (date of introducing trading) - ALTERNATIVELY can be moved to the date of plinth release
December, 14: Meteorite Day (date of meteorite release)
December, 21: Cuttle And Hopper Day (date of introducing of cuttletrunks and hoppers; hurray!)


Was thinking a Guild Day of some sort would be great, an official time to do recruitment pushes. :+1:

Exo Day - Maybe could convince the devs to let us warp for free to them then? ā€¦ And maybe make it a whole week? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


1 exo world of each type spawning on that day would be sweet. :grin:

Sure it would be great if devs supported the in-game calendar idea with some specials. On the Cuttle And Hopper day the celebrated creatures could give double xp or extra drops. On the Forger Day tools could have higher flexibility. On the Guild Day, the guild buffs could be cheaper. Etc.

If @Stretchious was interested in adding such calendar to his site, that would be great.

We would need to see more interest from wider player base first though. And iron out the official holidays dates. Maybe through polls.

EDIT: btw, should the Oortian New Year fall on the 7th or 11th of September?


I think 9/7 is a better day for our holiday than 9/11 lol


I love the week of celebration idea (7-11 lol!)
And that would be really cool to have other 1-day events like mentioned above


I wish Iā€™d written down dates for when I did various things at my builds. I like when shops say when they opened etc


Yeah, me too.

But I found screenshots for a lot of moments when I was building, so I can establish some dates for me, like starting my main base on Boori, or finishing Red Roof Shop as well as building time of my various settlements throughout the universe.