Boundless first holiday(event) need ideas

since my holiday off the explorer idea was to complicated to pull off

im looking for new sugestions and idea’s
also gonna ask dev’s @james @Steggs101 if something like a holiday event could be possible in boundless
please help me people our i just invent one myself and celebrate it alone lolz

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If the devs get involved, I’d absolutely love to see a Christmas event with a Santa hat reward (or something similiar)!
If not, I’m not sure what we could do just as the players besides all just gathering together.
We could build a massive tree and all get together, and decorate it with gleam lights or something to that effect. Obviously I’m biased towards christmas:p but it doesn’t have to be a Christmas event of course.

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If we do a holiday event, I hope the plot(s) reserved for it are owned by the dev’s. And if we get X# prestege than the devs reward everyone in the game.

Then after the event is over, the plots are locked and cannot be changed. It will be a historical landmark.

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That would be a great and simple way for the devs to be involved with the tree! However ifthey reward us for getting x prestige the tree will literally be covered and look like ■■■■ imo just so we get rewarded. I think there should be no rewards unless the devs do an official event or some players wish to reward participants themselves.

did some experiments on my own int the past

but if dev’s support it we could all get like a christmas only hat our something that would be neat our they change our bows for one day in snowball shooters etc

another idea that just popped in my mind is “boundless birthday” the day the game went live we celebrate and we all go back to toons in underwear if in futur we are clothed offcoarse lol

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Yeah that tree would be perfect scaled mich larger! Looks awesome.

I got it! Someone builds something from pop culture reference, the planet its on is posted on the forums then the first person to find it gets a reward, could happen the first of every month.


That’s a pretty good idea!


Always wanted an excuse to build this :smiley:


could also let the finder be the next to build one like a chain
our pass it on to a builder off choice


oooh i like that idea!

did a small edit since maybe sometimes the finder dont wonna build next one so they can select next builder if they want

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That would be soooooo cool!

Please no exclusive items / recipes you can only get during a holiday event.

Festivus should be in game. People are already practicing up on creating large vertical builds like the Festivus poles used IRL.

Here’s a short video about Festivus:

@the-moebius That X-mas tree is amazing!

I’d love a holiday event if they’re willing to let us have one. To avoid offending anyone or having anyone left out, we could simply have it be an end of the year event. Possibly the Dec. 3rd to Jan 3rd. We could even have a new item that is a “Wish Box”. It would work something like this:

The wish box will have 10 slots, can be placed only on land beaconed by the player, only accessible to the owner of the beacon. Players can select 10 different items to ask for. Players can change items on their wish list up until Dec. 31st and on Jan. 1st, the box will grant ONE of those items to the player as a gift. Max quantity of one of whatever the item is. The wish box is limited to one per account but can be stored to use on a different character than the one crafted on. When the item is “granted” by the box, the player can collect their item whenever they want. After the item is collected from the wish box, the box turns into a cute Happy New Year’s hat which we could then wear :smiley:

I think it would be a nice surprise for everyone and no one will feel left out as long as they participate. Of course I’d also want an active event where we have to put in effort etc. Maybe that’s how the wishbox could be obtained instead of crafting it.

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what about an item tempory change looks and then return to original design like bows that shoot snowballs?

@toxip made the tree i just had the idea :smile:
your thing could be worked out ingame like aquatopia royals have a mailroom
where we all got rights to post items so a adaptation off that could work
but only for friends etc.
this would be easyer if devs support mailbox system
but if they can make a wishbox im all for it sounds epic :smile:

Moeb i believe creegle’s got a halloween town he’s trying to promote and get some hands to make it like a chisel town EA ordeal. The theme is to be scary and halloween only builds if interested.