That gives me some ideas.
Ok, so this isn’t a meme, but I have to share my cosmetic idea here somewhere and this is somewhat close…
that dummy must be great stress relief (first you scare your toddler oortlings by telling them The Bogeytrunk will take them if they don’t behave, then you give them a teat to reverse the effect).
I’m lazy to key-in some Boundless background, but:
When you do your first harvest of combustion and wonder where are all the seeds
i dont have editing experience but if i could make one
When you go gleambow hunting in a group and they chase after a normal won while a level 5 gleam bow is landing literally right next to you
uglydolls doll thats greedy with the soup when the uglydolls are feeling confident about their talents image
caption:Me is greedy with the gleam
someone reply at some point with the image
This actually happened!
edit: why i have 4 stacks of gleambow gleam is this reason
Lol, I was there many times
Posting your own bounty! LOL I’m so late to this chat
Oh, is that what it’s called? Thanks for putting a name to it. I was wondering why it was being posted on the internet and social media.
I dunno, grownups playing sexy baby is weird IMO. I’m not a fan of grownups with pacifiers.
Everyone looking for Exos like
Haha, that is SO me, I’m always looking for them…
you better warn about the content - underage might be around