Boundless Settlement Opt-Out

When did that happen? I don’t remember that

June 2018 or was that Dec 2017… I don’t remember. it was about the time the implemented the beacon FF coin degradation (where you lose a percentage if you don’t visit the beacon weekly) if I remember right.

hahahaha hahaha

The issue goes way beyond guild stuff. That was something our guild helped push and implement into the game. That was to help one level but did not address the other part of the problem in regards to full ownership of the city name and to protect from people taking your prestige and using it for their own gains, etc. This solution solves various things beyond the few things mentioned already.

Truthfully… It’s my opinion. my opinion may be wrong but it’s still my opinion


Opt-out/in would be useful in connecting roads to towns, cities, etc without merging all of them, that a possible way such system could be used.

I wasn’t questioning your opinion, I am just wondering what this comment thread has to do with ultima, I don’t think they have even been mentioned in this comment thread at all until you brought it up.

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The only thing I can say without getting flagged again is do a little digging on past patches… I’ve been around a long time… I’ve seen a lot and heard a lot from many parties… Also jus stating I’m not trying to be rude or anything… Or claim to know it all… Thanks and good day

Blueprints are in the Dev’s pipeline so yeah that option to move is coming…

As for things being fair, since when has life been fair? :frowning:


Everyone let’s all be nice to one another… people have different opinions and THAT is perfectly OK.

Besides, after the Plot Buffer “Chaos” I doubt the Developers are in a hurry to implement something like this due to the unforseen consequences PLUS it is clear that the Devs have their eyes on more content, and the rollout of private/rental planets, and who knows maybe some additional public ones (we can hope!), the later which may alleviate a lot of the stress many are experiencing these days.

So discuss if we must, but if someone has a differing opinion lets all respect each other.

But what if people also don’t want to move to another planet because they like where they are and were there first?

also you don’t know what is in the devs pipeline, no one does

Sadly that falls under the “Life is not fair” part I am afraid…it is what it is

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but the devs have the ability to make things fair between all players and give the ability to opt-out to all players

and because they can make it fair to all players, then they should do that so no one is left out, people shouldn’t be punished because of where they built their base when they started playing

also just because life isn’t fair, doesn’t mean the devs can’t make the game fair for as many people as possible, this is a game after all and the devs can do what ever they want to improve it


[quote=“MrGamer117, post:93, topic:38350, full:true”]
but the devs have the ability to make things fair between all players [/quote]

There is no way to be “fair between all players”…everyone has their own definition of what is fair, and you can never please everyone… thats just part of life my friend.

If you implement this on the older planets you will have CHAOS again…just like the plot buffers… I stated my position AGAINST implementing plot buffers in the forums then too as many of you will remember, and I am saying it again about this…

Also, like the plot buffers that I argued against, I was actually geeked over the buffers as I knew how to adapt it to an advantage…I am arguing against this, and if it is implemented I will be happy as having a Pizza Pie as I already have some ideas on this too…

Of course the Devs are free to try and make things fair, but as always people adapt and find advantages, Life is not fair unfortunately…no matter how you “feel”, it just is not…I wish it was…but it is what it is :frowning:

They tell us you know right?

As for your comment that they do not tell us everything, you are correct!
However they have told us Private planets are coming, Titans are coming someday, and a whole lot of other stuff…

Anyways Mr Gamer…if you want to discuss this with me any further why not take it to Private messages as we do not want to go off topic…

not everything, they probably have other things they are working on in secret

also, yes while there will be a lot of chaos at first, over time people will adjust to the changes that have been made and yes there is no way to ensure that it is fully fair, because as you said everyone has differing views on that, but the devs can try to make things fairer

this isn’t getting off topic, this is all valid to the discussion of how this effects the game

you keep believing that, I have been flagged offtopic so many times when I thought the very same way… like I said take it to PM and we can be more frank. Otherwise Goodnight.

A hand-shake mechanism might be useful here; 2 beacons should only connect as one village/town/city if both beacon owners agree (shake hands) to that. Agreements can always be rescinded by one of the two beacon owners.

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