Boundless Settlement Opt-Out

we all have full perms on each others plots, hopefully i never drop a bomb like i have in the past :rofl:

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I feel the same and I’ve never built for prestige or tried to take anything over. I just like to bring attention to it because I feel like it causes unnecessary conflict between players. I think it will take a big change to fix all of this.

Yes, and one small band-aid like this won’t fix it. It will make a few happy, some won’t notice it, and it will upset some. Doesn’t sound like a fix at all. Problems will still be there because of free plotting, lack of permissions, prestige, achievements telling people to become Viceroy & to join settlements, etc. I’m not saying I’m against it, I just don’t think it’s going to be a huge benefit or the great “fix” that people think it will. You can keep putting patches on a tire with a hole, but the hole is still there. To really fix it, you need a new tire.

I don’t think players should be absorbed by a larger/nearby entity, as I have stated a thousand times.

I also don’t think it’s fair for someone to pop a squat in the middle of a town or next to a popular hub, and opt out, yet still enjoy the boost in footfall, usage of the portals, etc. We already kinda of have players doing this via prestige & guild alignments.

Yes, many of us can and do. I don’t have settlement issues, but I have been reading all of the posts by everyone that does.

Something needs to be done for sure. If implemented, I’m sure a lot of people would use the opt-out feature (maybe not since it would cost them footfall?)


Well we will agree to disagree as usual! :wink:

Since this change is in the Pipeline according to MinerDiggerMiner I will just sit back and wait for the new change and HOPE I am wrong… either way it will not impact me personally in a negative way what so ever and I will adapt to the new reality… Anyways Happy to have had the discussion.

If a squatter opts out in the middle of a larger settlement, they would not have boosted footfall, since the ff value would be based on their own plots prestige, not the larger city’s rate. They may have higher traffic of footfall than they might at the outskirts of a city, but at the cost of having no room to expand except up, and the reduced ff per person.

Still, I see no real issue here- the squatter is accepting less ff per person. If their motive is to get more, they should simply align with the city. The only loss to the city is the exclusion of that plots prestige. Its ff traffic is equivalent, possibly increased if the squatter has portals bringing in more foot traffic.

The city has a net gain of 0 or greater, the squatter takes a self imposed loss.


It might be that way in your eyes, but it won’t be for many who are part of the town and looking for prime positions. They might start wondering why these individuals get the best spots and gaining ff when they are providing nothing to the town. Kind of like how we constantly see posts about barren spots and certain builds in their towns now. If you aren’t a team player, why are you taking up a spot on the bench?

I’ll be honest, none of this will bother me one way or the other. Much like @majorvex, it won’t’ affect me. Which is how I can look at it without bias and try to find issues that will arise from it. I’m just pointing out that you have to view all the ways something can be interpreted before you call it a solution. Some will like it, some won’t. Many of us won’t notice a difference and are more annoyed with the fact this might take up precious development time.

A lot of these reoccurring issues are happening between the same individuals and groups. That kinda points to personality conflicts more than mechanic issues. It is unlikely any amount of mechanic changes will stop them from sniping or messing with each other constantly in-game or here on the forums.

Edited for clarity


Which is why myself and others have repeatedly advocated for the removal of footfall and replacement with much higher dailies or a similar system.

Footfall and city expansion just breeds conflict.

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Why cant we just add a Settlement book and have that be were you go if you want your beacon to be a part of that city and just leave guild alignment out of the equation???

That way players can make conscious effort to be a part of, or not, a city. And they don’t have to lose their guild identity when contributing to a cities prestige that might not be their guild home town.

I can not setup a shop in another city and realistically contribute to that city with out joining that cities guild…

this feels wrong…

I feel like i lose my guild identity when i join another guild and align those beacons simply to help that town grow, equally feeling wrong if i do not do this…

But on the same note i lose out on foot fall if it dont, because my “outpost” is in the middle of a mall(town)…


We would gladly accept you into the dome!!! Build near us and we will make you a member after some months :slight_smile:

Or nuke bob. The choice is yours :joy::joy::joy:

Leaving is always an option. I’ve had to do it a couple of times. Besides moving means you can make changes to an existing build by starting anew with a new floor plan. Moving has caused me to be more creative with each new build.

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