Wait what…to be honest mate i would of thought you were american/British xDD
also sorry for the primal bear (complications with my email address)
Wait what…to be honest mate i would of thought you were american/British xDD
also sorry for the primal bear (complications with my email address)
tip to dealing with spitters (that i found) is live/be near water,can lure them in and watch as they drown and laugh as you get easy meat/bones/tallow (needed for the cloth torch)
Thanks, I was wondering where Tallow came from!
Thanks Tbone for the tips! I will switch over to the test build as I want to check out the objectives and whatnot.
I had built up a pretty nice house on day one… then when i logged back in the next morning, i realized that one of my walls was not inside my plot boundary and had been regenerated haha I was a bit sad, but made sure then that everything was inside my plot (I believe I have around 7 or so plots i put together at this point, but one wall was just outside lol)
This shouldn’t have happened - assuming it had been ~24 hours since your last sign in. The server shouldn’t regen chunks until they’ve not been visited for a duration, and you’d clearly visited this region recently.
Interesting… maybe it wasnt the reason… I just assumed that was it… and I think there is always the distinct possibility that I didnt build as much as I thought…
I was pretty sure I had 4 walls with a little hole in one side so I could get in and out lol… but then when I got back in the next morning, a whole wall was gone (just so happened that it WAS outside of the bounds…even if unrelated)
Maybe a player came and took it since the materials were outside my plot? (doenst really bother me, I was just more concerned with the “why” of the disappearance.
Either way, thanks for the quick response James! I am really enjoying what I have played so far.
had this issue myself on therka,logged out for 11 hrs,came back in and all my expensive wall had vanished due to regen >:(
tallow can be gotten form spitters,and wildstock
Thanks @Valkirth! I want torches! haha
what planet you on?also you on the testing server or live? (im on live,sitting on 200 tallow so could prob throw you a load
I was on Live… but then I just did the download for the test server… also, i have no idea what planet
awwww,well if your ever back on live server and need tallow etc,i have plenty (unless the new update wipes it all lol (then we’re all back to the same point)
do you know what server location the launcher is set to,could prob narrow it down that way.
I would say US East Coast… I think that is how they had it set up right? I believe thats it. Otherwise, is there a way to check?
when you log in says welcome to (insert planet name) but if your on east that would be solumn
I dont get that screen… i just get a blue screen with some control info an “click to continue” lol
it comes up on the left once you click continue,for me it says something like hi valkirth welcome to elopor.
I see! Well on the test world I am on Vena V. haha
Ill go back to the live one soon enough haha