Building buff Super

We just activated this buff. Builder’s super. It made building impossible. I could not put down a single block. only 2 at a time. so please be careful everyone.


I saw another post, I think it was yesterday, of someone asking if they can remove that buff…said they can’t build with it.

Might have been my post (adding here so people can be aware of the rest of the discussion around the topic):

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Yes it is very bad. Need to get rid of the speed and replace with something else. maybe more XP for building or something.

I think the speed is fine, but there should be a small delay like with holding a key down when typing before the fast placement begins


I already have my speed up with skills on placement. So it is double fast. :frowning:

I guess you could use those skill points for other things.

I said the same with our guild though, no build speed buffs. ps4 triggers are sensitive, i cant build with my miner with full dexterity as it is.

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Have you tried it with a PS4 controller though? I activated only the minor building buff and it was completely impossible to place single blocks with my fully specced builder. No matter how gently or quickly I pressed and released R2 I always placed at least 2 or 3 blocks. I had to deactivate the buff in the end because I just couldn’t build.

Maybe it’s just not meant for characters which already have all the builder attributes fully specced?

Yes, it’s a buff that gives the builder perk for those who haven’t skilled as a builder, it’s a great idea, especially for guilds with big build projects!

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I would love if pressing the mouse button would always only place one block per click. And pressing the mouse plus a modifier, something like shift, would place multiple blocks.

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We just need an option to set max block placement speed. It gets annoying for me even when I’m just using a max dexterity character. Every ten blocks I’m dropping two. Very frustrating.

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+1 this is a great solution

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We are working just now on the single placement logic, should hopefully make it into 1.3 :construction:


Hope you keep the idea though. Because problem is easily solved when adjusting your max builder skills to a lower setting and use the skills for something else.

That also lowers action speed tho

i know you already bought the buff but what i would recommend for now is using tier 1 buff then use 7/8 dext 5/5 attribute bonus so you are under the 100% block placement speed. This way you still cna palce one block and get a decent placement speed wihtout too much losing action speed.

Perfect!!! Single click, single block. Hold down button for fast block placement.