Buying bones 1.5c

Sunken Storage / Lantern Gardens on Raxxa.

If you come through the Sunken Storage portal on Biitula the basket buying 10k bones is on your right.

If you want to sell more than 10k bones please PM.

I can’t believe I’m STILL chasing glue since my second day in this game :rofl:

Used to be in that boat. Then i started doing hunts with one or two others on exo’s. 27k bones later the problem seems solved. Not short of oort either lol

I haven’t been on a group hunt since vandar. And I’ve got orbs to harvest!

Less than 1500 bones so far. MOAR PLEASE

My Basket! She is Hungry!

There’s a newer shop in the mall on the last walkway behind the QR code that has bones for 1 coin. I saw another one that had them for 2 coin also.

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thanks I won’t be on for a bit so I hope they’re still there!

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The hunt continues.

Oh dang! That was fast o.O

I think I visited every single store in the mall and that was the only one that had them at that price (I think).
A nearby store had hundreds for 2 coins ea.

Are you in game right now? I’ll throw you a bone :slightly_smiling_face: (or 100)

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Yes thanks. I’ll come see if you’re at the mall.

I have scoured boundless for 1c bones. There are probably some shop stands left in quiet areas but yeah, not much in sight.

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I’m not in game atm, but give me 60 seconds and I will be :slight_smile:

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I got through my rush of essence and things are a little less urgent now but I’ll continue to buy at this price.

I moved the basket and added some baskets that are buying fossils at “market” prices. You can make them into essence for more coin from the chrysominter but there are also still cheaper stands selling them. :man_shrugging:

Thanks to everyone who sold me bones or pointed me at some this week.