Buying Hopper Cores 560c each

I indeed noticed that the cooperation is far lower indeed

Of forged gear tho, is that what you want??? Or are you perhaps competing with me :wink:

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I think the minter pays to much. As long as you make more money per hour by farming and dumping gleam into the minter there is little reason to do anything useful, like hunting, forging or running a shop.

Yes, the hardcore players from the forum might be able to get more coins with a raid but a random player with 30 min of time can either dig up some gleam or solo a bunch of T3 meteorites. One is dangerous, requires skill and the other pays better.

I think the minter is the main reason why a lot of people stopped doing anything useful and just started to collect coins from the minter. That’s why we start to have a shortage of some items (glands, oort, hopper cores, saltpetre, …). Some of these items start to climb but, as I mentioned in the saltpetre post, they are still way to low. If you make more coins with digging up gleam to throw into the minter instead of digging up gravel to get saltpetre something is broken.

What we need is a massive inflation. Produced goods have to get a lot more expensive, which makes it a non-issue to pay 1-2k for a hopper core or 200c for a diamond. If you’re able to sell diamonds for 200c it doesn’t matter if a forged hammer costs 40000k, but farming gleam to dump into the minter will no longer make sense as the minter doesn’t have inflation.

I’m actually shoveling gleam into my minter as I make more coins then I did with forging and I enjoy it more… but I still think it’s dumb.

Or the devs do what they said what they would do and change minter prices?

Like for gleam, refined gleam and gleam doors…

If it’s not worthwhile anymore to mindlessly hammer away at a gleamball then I am sure people will start to do other things.

Because the problem with higher prices for everything is the new players. The journal entries do not pay out more, newer players will then have a harder time to afford anything, so either we, the players, all up the prices AND the devs up the coin amounts for those achievements OR the devs simply adjust the minter prices of a few items. I think the latter seems the best option…

Still, I think I will soon up the prices a bit of forged gear. Already did so with teaching pies and fast brews.

Yeah I was under the impression the minter prices would automatically fluctuate with what players were putting into it when the minter was released … but prices havent chanced whatsoever since it was introduced right? I still hardly use mine… it’s just a glorified trash can for me, lol