Can we get an official update on why we never see ps4 sales?

It’s pretty frustrating as a PS4 player. I have lots of PS4 friends but very few PC friends outside of boundless.

Basically, PC boundless players are able to bring their friends onto the game but not ps4 players. This is unfair to your existing PS4 customers.

The last official word I heard on this was probably 6 months ago, where WS said they are requesting PS4 sales but Sony won’t allow it. At this point I kind of find this hard to believe.

If Sony truly wont allow a PS4 sale, perhaps you could offer a “lite” version for $20 on PSN (no alts and only 2 total skill pages, with a $20 upgrade), to be fair to your PS4 players. But again, at this point I find it really hard to believe that WS wants to offer their game on sale but Sony won’t allow it.



For such a version they would need to add a new item on the PSN store, we all know how long it took to get the Deluxe upgrade on there, this would take about a year :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I reckon the answer is that there are a lot more rules to abide by on ps4.


Id suggest writing sony. They have rigid rules and strategies, and indie devs are often less prioritized.

Obviously i have no real insight, but the sale on pc is hinting at an arrow pointing towards sony.


This is none of my business bc I don’t work there, but I have one assumption about this.

They are still doing a lot of work on the game.

A lot of the changes and features are available only to PC users - for whatever reason, possibly: technical hurdles, Sony requirements, etc. PC players are familiar with using commands, customizations, testing things, etc.

Maybe they aren’t ready for a huge influx of PS4 players while they are still making big changes to the game? Especially when only PC players can access/use/test things for now?

Like I said, I could be way off base with this assumption though.

Read Sam’s explanation below :point_down:

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That was my guess too. And if it is the case, I do agree - better to get it to where they want it before a big PS4 sale, which could draw in large numbers.

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Hi there,

I appreciate it’s frustrating, but It’s a very different process to run sales on PS4 or Steam. Steam has many regular and more open discounts, and a game can go on sale at any time. PlayStation is much more limited in the promotions you can take part in.

We’ll run promotions on PlayStation when we’re able to, and of course we’ll make plenty of noise about it.


Thanks for the answer, and you can count on us to make plenty of noise about it too when you do!! :grin:

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“Want to put game in sale” PS you already had a sale 1 year ago. :joy::rofl::joy:

Just Saying. Judging from experience PS has been ridged with most things.

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Put plots on sale so I can take over Houches Mwahahaha lol jokin maybe lol


send sony a mail…
this is 4 the players… :slight_smile:
maybe they remember their own words… xd
just fun…

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I Like this Humor :grin::grin::grin::grin:

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PlayStation currently has a big Sale on for March with a lot of games having deep discounts of 50% or more. I also see a lot of indie style game titles that are regularly on sale.

Still, there HAS to be SOME promotion we can take part in on PS4. Here’s hoping.

Maybe a promotion sale when the Local Universes launch to Release? Then we might have some crossplay between PC and PS4 :slight_smile:

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There was a sale at Christmas for a month. 50% off on the ps store.


There is already cross play, or am i missing something?

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Yup cross play all the way

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Yes crossplay there is. I’m more pointing to wards testing update 254 with Local (shared) universes. It is really awesome. Just needs a little more polishing.