Can you help me decide how to sort colors? [COMPLETED]

Ok so here is what I have done for myself as each colour has a third variable being the L (lightness). So to display this I have the grid arranged by colour and hue and then grouped by their L value.

In reality this should be a “colour cuboid” and each of these groups stacked on top of one another. Also I realise that I should of ordered each group in the opposite order, but it serves it’s purpose.

Disclaimer: This is a sheet ripped off another sheet and simply rearranged by me for my purposes. The clever stuff is not my work and I take no credit for it whatsoever.


This should be possible.

Of course @fante would vote for sort by number. He doesn’t want to have to redo his shops! Haha

it is definitely possible, but with all the empty spaces it might not be suitable for just any project

It’s what I’m gonna use for my deep storage

Liking this colour grid idea saved a copy of the spreadsheet thanks!

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From the shop owner perspective number is easier to keep it organized and to always have the right amount of room from a shopper perspective I prefer color. I’m still holding out hope that they will put color number tints In an update

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