Canvas Art Contest! Prizes to be given!

Thx For the comp.
Cannot please everyone i guess.

Also… How Hard is To spell my name right.

Yay!! Thanks so much. Do I actually get anything? Who do I talk to about signing my beacon over to? Thanks for the competition.

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Thank you !!!
Well done everyone some great builds.
See you in the next one :v:


Ye havent been able to play rly…(so i havent rly checked what other People created) Would be nice To get pictures each one of the entries


So in the rules it says the wall has to stay yet your top 2 entries changed the wall? Maybe the rules were vague on that but seems they should have had a point reduction for that or something.

I wasn’t entirely clear with the rules however my canvas wall is up and untouched I believe, I just built in front of the wall✌

Yesss post pics please :blush:

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Apparently very hard for me, lol

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There were no rules stating the wall can not be changed, just that wall remains.

Everyone gets a prize!

I think you are referring to the second and third place entries…second place wall was switched out. I actually wanted to do the same but the rules stated that the wall remains so I used context clues and common sense to assume that the wall needed to stay the same. I also believe that when I received my plot I was told in person not to change the wall. However, that person interpreted it differently and it was accepted. The third place entry plotted outside of the space stated in the rules. However, I think they asked permission to do so and received it. I also thought about asking permission for something like that but I decided to challenge myself and try to create something creative and original within the space given to me to the best of my knowledge. I wanted to hit the five points that the judges would be judging. I tried to exploit and juxtapose the two and three dimensional space but I guess that concept didn’t get through and that is my responsibility as an artist to do. If the viewers and judges didn’t get it or like what I built then that’s on me. I will try harder next time. Regardless of the outcome, I really liked all the entries. Pigmouth’s entry is what drew me to the competition, hehe. It was so cute. Buugi has beautiful colors and the use of space against the canvas was striking. I think my favorite was Mr. Fishie, so creative. Was the Psylo from Avatar? I really like it. I kept thinking water bender…lol. Blitz, your entry is very pretty the use of space is very elaborate. I really considered changing my entry a bit after you built yours but I decided to stick to my guns!! Anyway, thanks again for the competition. Hope to see ya’ll again in future competitions :grin: :grin:


I think its always the case In competition that People are reading the rules differently…
The same thing it was In forest comp… I did natural tree… Someone did gleam tree and so on.

Im not mad but i usually dont participate To comps any more cause i have noticed theres no chance For natural builder to win any of these comps as People use fancier blocks and those look way cooler than plank trunks.

I even try To do some out of the box things To my comp builds as i did here (glass blocks In the tree next to foliage).

All respect To comp creator @shortyd856 as we dont rly have these around much.


In no particular order here are the entries for people who wanted to see pics :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @BoundlessBlitz for the screen shots. Just haven’t had time to do so!

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hey, given the volume of blocks used that should lend themselves to glow etc specially in the night time then. made an extra :slight_smile:


ye that fishtank makes now more sense :smiley:

I am confused beyond reason as to whom most of the entries belong. Love all the creativity though!

Also @shortyd856, not that I had any doubt in the canvas concept (once I understood it), but I’m surprised by just how much I like the look. I think a raised beam/platform across the street would do the builds a service, so they can be viewed straight on like paintings and cropped individually.

Might try to recreate a real life picture I have of a sea turtle that’s just a black outline on white canvas, if it fits.


The area is still open to anyone who wants contribute to the wall area!

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If you have not received your prize please msg me for a time and place to collect.

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