Character Creation


I’m excited to join this community. I have a couple of questions about the game, and I apologize if these questions have already been mentioned or answered elsewhere.

Is there going to be any form of character creation in this game? Would be cool if we could adjust skin color, head adornments, eye type/color, size, etc. Not sure how feasible this would be for coding and for wearing armor and stuff.

Are characters going to be given names? Right now I noticed that your character’s name is the account name. I know that some of the packages had a name reserve service, so just curious as to when this is going to be implemented. No rush, just curious!


Welcome bro. I couldn’t help answer your question but great to meet you :slight_smile:

Yes to all.

I think so. (@olliepurkiss I summon thy)

Also welcome to the community ^^

You rang?

Each character will be given a unique name separate from the account name. When we implement this, we will initially set your character name to be the same as your account name, so that will be reserved for you, but you will be able to change it if you want. Any characters made after that time will have to be given a name explicitly.

After the initial implementation I’m not sure whether we should allow changing of character names or not. Feel free to post your comments on that here.

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I’d say you should allow it, along with rearranging the visuals (fur-colour, etc.) of your character, but you should charge real money for it.

It’s common practice in many games and a great way for additional revenue that doesn’t upset anyone (unlike those pesky Mystery Boxes :wink:)

Blizzard, for example, charges

  • 8€ for a name change
  • 15€ for an appearance change (incl. optional name change)


  • 20€ for a race change (incl. appearance & optional name change).

Sounds like good money for relatively little effort to me…


Awesome thanks for the replies! Really looking forward to this game!!!

im against name change for the same character because if there is someone who gain bad reputation the only way to know hem is by hes name and if he can change hes name you cant trust anyone.

A “blocked” or “blacklist” screen would help with that.

If the name on the list changes if the blacklisted person does change the name then yes. Runescape had the same system and it worked pretty good.

An after 1.0 feature could also be blacklists you could pin to a block. So everybody could see who the badies around the area are.
The reason this would be an extra feature is because the names would need to change accordingly just like on the personal blocked list.