Cheap Pies for Sale

We have some cheap pies for sale here in Iconicsberg. Check it out!


How do I find the shop? Having trouble locating it?

Edit: found it, but looks to be sold out already

Awesome I ll come check them out right away. Though I have heard Iconicsberg got sold as a whole recently, what happend? o_o


That made me laugh hard, ty Ocfos xD

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Dang that Lex Luthor

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Looks like we need more guild donations. Coming soon!

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Ill try to get some hammers out there later too.

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They’ll keep Lex away this time.

WTH is Lex going to do with 40 cakes? He doesn’t even have the body of a cake-lover.

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Me and the boys waiting for Lex to return with the cakes.1c5


sucks to be you, it looks like one is falling off the back of the truck. 5 second rule?

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^^ lets leave poor Orrians thread to his marketing, we kinda already derailed it a lot. 5 second rule all the waaayy! :3

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