Chess Pieces or Battle Chess(if you feel fancy)

I would love to see a set of chess pieces as a craftable. They could be made out of refined stone and would be awesome for decoration, and for playing chess with friends. More functional than chairs or tables too.

Think of all the uses a rook or pawn could have in a build. Rooks would make great flower pots and pawns could make great candlesticks for torches

Optional Part
And if you wanna talk functionality, add a Chess totem augment to move the gamepieces and some animation when one piece takes another piece and you’ll fulfill hundreds on player’s inner child, that all wanted to play wizard chess as a kid

But seriously, chess piece props should be a pretty simple addition that would add a lot to the game and would lead to some awesome builds within the community, also a possibly for more community events.
Chess is also a pretty great game for Boundless, it takes strategy and patience and a nice board can fit in a 3 x 3 plot area


Are you the guy who built the cool chess arena next to one of the Ultima portals? (don’t remember which planet)

I am not, but I like that person’s mindset. I just made a board in my base and I was trying to get a plants vs boulders thing going but it just isn’t great lol

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Iirc the person that built that chess board planned to use players as the pieces and mark each player with a specific tool or weapon.



Yep yep thats creegle its threw east aqua hub then threw beacon. He is rather excited to put it to test!

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Is it going to be happening this Sunday? The first Sunday of Nov.

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Ill be sure to ask him. And let ya know. @Creegle or he may see this first.


I would love to play or watch and stream such a game lol