
So I noticed after taking a pretty long hiatus that there seems to be a new (to me) type of chiseling? I’ve seen it in the Ultima US East Gyosha Ophin Tree. When chiseling gleam it makes it look like little glitters. Someone tell me how to do that?

You’re probably seeing one of the lattice chisel blocks. You can make them into tiny cubes or diamonds.

EDIT: If you’re seeing more than one “little glitter” in the space of a single voxel you might be seeing sparkles which is a craftable item.

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Well I’m at Ultima in the portal area and right near some of the portals there is some of the little chiselled pieces made of marble. And I looked in the knowledge tab and cant find anything about anything lol

Lattice chisel is the newest type of chisel, though it’s been since some time last year. It’s a forge boon so not sure knowledge would help.

You use then in conjunction with other chisel types to make a variety of shapes. If you make the thinnest lattice shape and then trim the protrusions off with a square or bevel chisel you can make the little tiny pieces.

I’d offer to come show you but I’m not in game right now. There’s a jiivita video here:

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This is awesome! Thank you very much

Good tutorial from @GrayFrequency here on how to do the diamonds - :slight_smile:

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Does anyone know where I can buy a lattice chisel?

I have some on raxxa and also some on gyosha.

If you go to gyosha mall and use the shop scanner to find silver chisels for 799 (pretty sure) at a shop named “whatever” it will guide you there.

On raxxa they’re in the lanternlight forge.

A lot of forging shops will have them but you’ll have to find one that has them marked, or dig around. You can forge them on any chisel type so that doesn’t help.

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I sell some at Curious Forge, portals at TNT and PS Biitula. You can use the stone ones for most things and the diamond ones for titanium and gem blocks.

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Is curious forge in DK mall?

Not yet but theres one in Gyosha Mall


Awesome! I just bought one. Thank you

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Enjoy! They are fun and when you use it with a bevel chisel they make great little gleam diamonds.

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