Clear weather totem

Does anyone have a recipe for making clear weather totems, I make them so infrequently I forget what to do each time ;))))) I should edit I usually try to add them to glow and auto harvest.

did I miss a thing? Whuts a “Clear Weather Totem”?

Was added a couple of years ago. It’s a forged quirk.

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Oh look at brews in knowledge get some kraken brews.

There were some others that’s the only one I wound up using a lot though. Have you done a gleampop yet?

lol it has been a minute.


I can release the Kraken!?!?!? :smiley:

Yea, I “did” the gleampops, have a few left. and a stack of flashy-rainbow organs i was saving. Always useful!

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I’m tellin you man, you just lick this thing and you can run right out on the water! It’s like you’re running on a rainbow!

Just don’t tell anyone where you got it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: