Code: Locks

Coming soon. Locks can be placed next to interactable items and if they are in a beacon they are locked. When an item is locked players without access to the beacon cannot press E to interact with them. This means you can have a private room in your house that nobody can access and all the stuff in your storage can be shown off but nobody can take anything.

Note that, when we release locks you will still need to be careful with doors. If you open a door you have to remember to shut it to keep everyone out!


Sooo many leaks :open_mouth:

Looks very good! nicely done

What leaks!? :wink:


you say:

does that mean, the lock between door and the upper right storage locks: door, upper right, lower right storage?
But not the other 3 storages?

Because of this problematic, you surprise me with the design. I expected a visualization of lock like this (maybe bit smaller), but in front of lockable items…

Edit: I wonder what is locked on the lower right corner of the picture on the ground xD

Yes, the second lock in the image is actually not needed. The lock between the door and the storage locks both of them. If any part of the set of storage (all connected storage facing the same direction) is connected to a lock then all of the set is locked.


does the lock on the floor before the door also locks the door? since it is kind of “next” to it?

Edit: omg, I have too many questions… on your picture, to have access to your storage… do i need to unlock both locks? The one in middle of storage as well as the one next to the doot?
Sorry, if you feel spammed…


That one on the floor is just left around. I’m quite messy…

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Are machines lockable too?

Yup so far its doors, trap doors, storage and machines (and all their parts…)


LOVE LOVE LOVE!! need the locks and the containers and…everything! :grinning:


That glacier isn’t going anywhere!


That lock is doing its part to stop global warming.


Oooh fantastic! I’m going to lock ALL THE THINGS!

I might go a bit lock crazy when these are released! :slight_smile:

Hmm! If locks could toggle adjacent locks, we could build some fun puzzles. Or maybe that’s better suited for switches

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Awesome stuff there

It sad testus1 so i tried going there but no luck finding eny thing special dam dev world

It’s on his dev machine, not online :slight_smile: just has the same name

So if you have containers in a beacon without a lock and Player B, who is not part of your beacon walks up to your beacon, they can take your things? If player B is part of your beacon and you have a lock, they can take your things? Interested to see if there’s any sort of permissions that can work with locking so you can have truly private containers/rooms, etc.

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Finally! I’m very excited for locks and storage to make it into the game, I’ll add your screenshots to the collection.

My understanding from this is that this is true (so remember to lock everything!)
One locked door to a room with your machines and storage would make sense and be a cleaner solution of course.

I would say not necessarily, and that locks would probably have different permissions (or require a player token?)


Nice, now I no longer must fear the dreaded DOOR OPENER!!! Jokes aside good idea that’s sure to help make whats mine mine and not anyone else’s.