Coin glitch?

hey there peeps. i lost about 3k coin with the glitch and now its reading -33 in my inventory menu.

whenever im in a plinth or trading with someone is reads an insane amount of coin. will not let me buy anything or take any coin from my own plinths.

just wanna know if this has happened to anyone else. and how i might be able to get past this glitch. thanks

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a slight up date… the glitch went away but im still missing coin that got lost in the glitch…

Log out and restart the game. I lost items once but they were there the next day.

ive logged out restarted steam and logged back in lol still the same thing.

Is this the test build or live?

this is in the live version

If you have negative coins, then some of the entity interfaces don’t correctly display the number. (~4 billion is a common programming representation of a minus number in the wrong integer type.) It’s possible to get negative coins by Warping home without enough coin. This is the only circumstance where you should be able to go negative. The interfaces should all be corrected as we gradually migrate to the new 1.0 style GUI.

To fix this - earn some money.


Haha I read this in a very fatherly tone :smiley: