Colors for Boulder's

Why is it that on every color sheet I can find there isn’t the colors of Boulder’s? I know there can be multiple colors per planet of one kind but it makes it hard to find out if certain Boulder’s on exos are new colors.

The boulders take on the color of the rock they are on Edit: sorry this is incorrect it should be the block not the rock.


They show up on gravel and sand right?

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Yes I’m aware but some are on gravel and mud and soils so it’s even harder to look up if they are new or not. Yes it can be done but it’s time consuming

(Addition: wow that kinda sucks that it can’t do that)

This is the answer for why it’s not show on any table I guess.


I guess ironically we might have had more color of basic boulder than any other block or mesh in game. Excluding gleambow colors ofc.

Boulders/rocks can also be found on the black bedrock sometimes

Because I haven’t tried, yet are boulders tint-able?

Nope - neither are plants, foliage, etc.

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@#$%! It’d be pretty awesome if we could grow/farm boulders, crystals, mineral formations… that weren’t dropped from meteors.

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I’d actually love it if there was a clear goo that could be mixed with crushed basic boulder powder, allowing you to make goo pigment alternatives.

It would make basic boulders much more useful than just dropping flint and opals.

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By planting fragments or flint/opal/rocksalt :astonished:

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Yeah, make rock salt an ingredient in all of them so I can use my 30 stacks worth for something

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