Colour list

I made a mini version of that colour sheet that wouldnt load on my phone.

This loads on excel on my phone

I added filters to the resource columns too.

Edit: Just a heads up if you view it with the google sheets view you dont get access to the filter list, for best results save it locally.


2 great resources i never had but needed :weary:

@xyberviri that mobile color list is exactly what i needed. I used to have to scroll left and right and up and down and count how many rows up from the dotted line to find colors and look up those invisible letter worlds

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Wow this is way better than colorincidence if only for the locked pane. I’m with venom on the counting and such

@Venom & @DKPuncherello Thanks much, happy it helped the additional tabs of information were great but just couldn’t use it on mobile, where i needed it the most :smiley:

indeed I do. Bright orange (xortis I) I crafted last night and will be stocking today.


and I’ll buy some, cause I was too lazy to go myself

you have different colour sheets in the different tables

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Yeah that colour list for the phone is great.:ok_hand: Thank you. :beers:

Is it slow to load for everyone else too? Once it’s open it works nicely but it takes me like 10 sec to load it seems

Yeah. It was slow the first time loading it for me.