Community input needed: system design goals

I feel like they should not follow the same path. IE: Combat is world tier/titan. Crafting is economy/trading. Building on an outer tier world shouldn’t have as many incentives as a low one.

The bolded section is something I would like to see as well. I would love to give friends access to part of my build without giving them the ability to destroy or build onto certain other parts.

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  • Combat systems:

  • easy going, and a little tricky (Powerstone)

  • Crafting systems

  • memorizable crafting recipies with a lot of craftable items

  • Construction systems

  • some bigger parts can be crafted by placing blocks into the landscape

  • Progression systems

  • once had the idea of midair portals which would force one to be able to craft parachutes before entering this world

  • Player customisation systems

  • customization through visible wearable items

  • Titan systems

  • titans can be hooked up with grapple hook - sort of a Gulliver and the Liliputians system

  • Beacon / land claiming systems

  • beacons should not be overpowered in terms of quantity. should be a fun and balanced gameplay act to be able to obtain them

  • Guild systems

  • maybe a limited amount of guilds on one server/world - or the owner of a complete world should have the ability to cusomize how many guilds are valid

he mean the skill of a player, he hate this boring press 1111111111111 for win, like in some games we have played


thank god.

  • Combat systems
    I want to be able beating better geared players with my skills of PVP(not skills when you press ‘K’ and a window of some race/class skills pops up)
    But, if that player have a significantly better gear, i should miss hits or deal a very minor HP points.

  • Crafting systems
    Should take more time for better crafting stuff, but not so much, lets say, 20Mins for the best tool, 25Mins for the best armor(Each part and its effect-since the chestplate is the most effective, it should take 25Mins for crafting it, and boots,earings, gloves and other minor stuff should take[the best boots,earings, gloves] 5-10Mins each)
    that means that the worst armor should take 10-15 secs to make(each part of it) and the worst tool(such as stone/wood tool) should be crafted in 10 secs

  • Progression systems
    The quests shouldn’t be the main way of getting leveled up/getting a good gear/tool.
    it should be a second way. the main way is killing mobs/titans; the quests should be aside it.

  • Player customisation systems
    There should be some costumisation at the beggining, but you should focus the main things, as crafting,building,making guilds and stuff, and every now and then add some more costumisation.

  • Titan systems
    Every player should be able to solo some tier 1 titans when he’s gear is fully tier 2
    But Titans in general should be dead in around 15-20mins with a party of 3-5 players fully geared for that Titan.
    Of course every titan should drop other things and every tier of titans should drop 1 tier up gear, that means atier 2 Titan should drop uncommonly and even rarely tier 3 gear

Sorry for my not-that-great English, Thx. (And it’s only my opinion, maybe not yours)

  • Combat systems

  • Should be skill based to a moderate degree, and have a very large variety of skills that can be involved.
    EXAMPLE: someone with level 100 swords is stronger than someone with level 75 swords, and weaker than someone with level 125 swords, but depending on each persons tactics and skill either side could win.

  • Crafting systems

  • Should be level and material based with some luck factors.

  • Higher crafting level = more materials to work with.

  • Different materials of similar type have different effects when crafting
    (including elemental affinity, weapon power/durability, special effects, enhanced stats, etc)

  • Luck should have some part, but a small role at most. Possibly +/- 1 level to the item when making.

  • Construction systems

  • Should be able to have an effect and not just look pretty

  • possibly be able to make certain blocks or arrangements of blocks that give effects

  • Progression systems

  • No overall level

  • each skill has its own separate level, increased by using the skill or through books for some

  • skill level is a hard cap for character ability, up to a point.
    (Low skill cannot use/craft something requiring high skill.)

  • Player customisation systems

  • Should be fairly varied, but does not need to be extremely extensive.

  • Players should be able to customize their character with accessories, dyes, and patterns.

  • Titan systems

  • A main titan should be exceedingly hard to beat with a party of 6 players, and should be engaged by at least 2-4 parties at once.

  • If there are sub titans that are not related to world progression, they should be difficult, but beatable by a party of 6.

  • Beacon / land claiming systems

  • Players should be able to craft beacons, but an individual player should only be able to control 1 beacon of territory.

  • The amount of territory claimed by a guild’s beacon should be related to how many people are in the guild. Either radius based, or just the number of chunks claimable is fine.

  • Beacons should have some kind of back story like: these mysterious blocks hold back the natural force of the titans, and allow you to create permanent structures.

  • Players should be unable to set up beacons on a world until the main titan is beaten for the first time. Exception of the first tier of worlds.

  • Guild systems

  • A guild should be what a group of players creates to better:
    cooperate on raids
    build larger structures
    organize a better flow from crafter to fighter

  • 2+ guilds should be able to join together in an alliance and make a city.
    A city should have the ability to be connected to the world’s capitol with a portal.

  • guilds should be able to place little beacon markers inside their claimed territory to further denote building permissions. This is an absolute must for any large scale guilds to be feasible.

  • possibility of being able to buy a capitol of the world for a ridiculous amount of money, allowing them to charge a small tax for the portal and possibly restricting hostile guilds from entering.

These should be something planned for ahead of time, not stumbled upon and easily taken down.

Guilds of all shapes and sizes should be able to progress. Larger guilds should not have a direct advantage over smaller ones.

Player Customization
Player customization should give enough options to allow the feeling of uniqueness.


Combat Systems - Combat should evolve as players and their weapons do, both rewarding and punishing ALL play-styles and not falling short of making use of the massive 3D field around the character and the real-time elements of combat. Teamwork and co-ordination should reward players with a higher chance of victory while skilled solo players should be rewarded with a higher victory payoff (loot, currency, experience, etc).

Crafting Systems - Weapons, tools and equipment should be fully customisable based off set type variations with materials of varying properties and tiers able to be applied to interchangeable crafting recipes. Basically allowing hundreds of thousands of possible unique weapons with the right materials.

Construction Systems Construction should be included in combat, perhaps providing strategies for facing titans.

Progression Systems - Player progressions should be a paced but open-ended system.

Player Customisation Systems - Characters should be as uniquely customisable as possible. Player appearance/Race should not make a difference in the game apart from visually. (No race exclusive abilities and such)

Titan Systems - Titans should have many variations each requiring different strategies to defeat. Titans should pose a challenge to even the most powerful of players. Defeating a Titan should reward players uniquely.

Beacon / Land Claiming Systems - Players should have only 1 beacon for each world with reasonable distance allowed between another players beacon.

Guild Systems Guilds beacons should only grow as large as the amount of players in it with only a reasonably large distance allowed between 2 different guild beacons. Guilds should be highly customisable (currency, ranks, logo, etc)

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  • Combat should be forcing the player to move and punish just standing still
  • Combat should allow for freedom in how you fight instead of forcing to fight a special way, meaning 5 people with swords are able to fight in widely different ways
  • Combat should be challenging, even for normal creatures


  • Crafting should feel rewarding for those who use a lot of time on it
  • Crafting should be the main way to aquire things that are not found in the wild (armor, potions, etc)
  • Crafted items should be important for every playstyle
  • Knowing somebody who have spent alot of time on crafting should be necesary for players to get the most out of the game


  • the game should allow for freedom in builds, but should not lose its voxel feel
  • There should be a system to reward players building homes for others


  • The players should progress in things by doing them, eg. sword by fighting with sword
  • Through great dedication to a certain playstyle people should eventually be able to call themself a ‘‘master’’ of the playstyle
  • There should be a sort of progression both for fighting and crafting, everybody should be able to build without progressing.

Player customization

  • Every player should be able to look completely unique,

  • Players should be able to customize both how they themselves look, but should also be able to customize the armor they wear, to reflect who they want to be

  • When creating a character there should be a good balance between allowing the player to make a unique character and making sure they dont make something that looks completely out of place in the universe

  • Races should be static, no mixing and matching between races, and most races should allow creation of both genders, but it is also alright if some are genderless.


  • Titans should require a good group to kill, it should not be soloable
  • Titans should interact with the enviroment, such as leaving footprint holes in the ground.
  • Titans should be rewarding to kill and in one way or the other be the ‘‘ultimate’’ creature for the game


  • Beacons should be dynamic and have several rules that allows the player to use beacons for multiple purposes, be it a home or an arena
  • If the player makes it a home beacon it should be totally safe both from players and creatures
  • Beacons should not have an upkeep cost, not everybody can play everyday, and they should also feel that getting a beacon is worth it
  • Beacons should be able to be connected, meaning guildmember can share beacons to create a guild city.


  • Guilds should have a type of progression in it, meaning with great teamwork the guild can get certain bonuses
  • Guilds should be a major part of the game, while solo play should be possible, it should be greatly encouraged to be in a guild
  • There should be a reward for doing stuff together with your guildmates.
  • Guilds should be able to be unique and have their own banner.

I meant the second one.

It sould be important that you aim your shoots (e.g. aim for the head to do “critical damage”)

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head for crit, but eyes if your aim is good enough, for extra.

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We’re working on a weak spot system at the moment, actually. We can position additional hit boxes with different armour types to receive different damage. Should allow us to make some interesting behaviours and creatures (eg: creatures that can only be damaged on it’s back, etc)


Awesome! This will definitely make for the interesting fights we all are hoping for.

- Construction system goal: It would be nice to have prefabricated building templates. For example, if I want to building a big, arching doorway, I could place a wireframe version of the doorway where I want it positioned and then fill it in with whichever blocks I choose.

This is also a great way for community members to share their creative talents. Imagine all the custom templates on the Steam Workshop!

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- Player Customisation System: Lots of costumes and accessories. Nothing beats having a very uniquely-styled character. I would get so pumped every time I found a cool accessory. They could be looted, found, bought, or a reward for quests and events. I don’t mean costumes that cover your whole character, we should be able to mix and match lots of items!


although this will lead to people not being credited and it being misused, 13 yr old finds it dislikes it cuase its better than his, steals it builds it copys it and says its his

-Combat systems: the combat system should feel immersive and give me control over my actions, how i attack and when i attack

Crafting systems: the crafting system should feel logical and creative but it shouldn’t be to complex to craft specific items, while very valuable items are allowed to be a bit more complex

Construction systems it should be more for creative and dilligent players while not focused to hard and realistic physics

Progression systems people should get better and gain abilities in things they do mostly by just doing it but partly by finishing special tasks or gaining special gear in general

Player custimisation systems people should be able to look unique amongst others while this shouldn’t be to overloaded

Titan systems Titans should vary and not feel all the same, some you can fight alone others will aquire 20 people, the skills of the titans should vary as much as possible (as mach as you manage to do :wink: )

Beacon/land claiming systems the size of the area a beacon could claim should a first set to a starting value. You should be able to raise the size of a beacon over time with different ways (upgrading it with special items, or by adding more people as “owners” of the beacon") ,

Guild systems there should never be a limit of the size of a guild, working together in a guild should be somehow rewarding

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I want a :cookie:


-Combat Systems:

I know a lot of people have been commenting on how the combat system should make you feel in control of how you are fighting. In other words, we don’t want to select a target and have our characters start auto attacking while we wait on a bar full of cooldowns. There’s too much to keep track of in modern MMORPG combat systems and, usually, it all comes down to who spent the most time crunching the numbers and grinding the hours. In fact, this kind of combat system can drive away players who come to Oort to explore and build.

The combat system should implement a simple and efficient control scheme that allows for dynamic combat maneuvers. A good combat system should also include quick engagement/disengagement of enemies. Here, in steps, I will describe such a system:

*This would work just like the targeting system in The Ocarina of Time (and a few other Zelda games)

  1. Target your enemy by looking at them, waiting until a small red arrow appears above them, and then hold/toggle the Target Mode key. While targeted, an enemy stays centered on screen. (Camera locks on like in Zelda, remember?)
  2. While you are in target mode: Use the A and D keys to strafe clockwise and counterclockwise around the target. Use W and S to move closer or further from your target.

Since the targeting system only requires one hand, the players mouse-pushing hand is free to do some damage!

  1. While in attack mode, hold the left/right/both mouse button to bring up the corresponding “Ability Wheel”. (Example: hold LMB to bring up attacks, RMB for dodges/blocks/reflects, and both mouse buttons for items) Each ability wheel has 4 slots: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.
  2. Now that one (or two) of the mouse buttons are being held and the ability wheel is up, drag the mouse toward the slot with the ability you wish to use. The selected slot will be highlighted.
  3. Let go of the mouse button (or buttons) once the ability you wish to use has been highlighted. The ability will be used. If you are out of range of your target for a specific ability, the ability will be grayed out and wont cast.

So thats it… Now let me walk you guys through an example of how this system could come in handy while fighting something.

-Fighting a Titan: You’re a rogue-like class, quick and nimble. A giant, walking rock wants to smash you and his only weakness seems be his big soft eyes. You gotta stab them… But his head is too high up. Fortunately, as a rogue, you can use the right mouse button to bring up your evasive ability wheel to dive/roll in 4 different directions to avoid attacks while your camera stays focused on the Titan. Even more fortunately, you have a grappling hook assigned to your item wheel (both mouse buttons). You engage the titan by first looking at him. Looks like he has multiple target-indicators, aim for an eye. When you’re ready, grapple hook him in the face; your grapple hook has a +20 retraction rate so you should be close to his face almost instantaneously. Now use the LMB to bring up the attacks wheel and go nuts on his eyeballs when you are close enough (rogue attacks have short cooldowns). You can use the grapple hook again to disengage it, or use a backwards evasion ability to disengage the grappling hook and backflip off of his face at the same time.

TLDR; Target-lock system like Legend of Zelda, use mouse-button(s) to bring up ability selection wheel (think GTA weapon selection with only 4 slots.)

Note: It would probably be nifty to allow certain items and objects to be targeted as well. This opens up a lot of possibilities as far as dungeon design and game progression. Example: Your wooden newbie knife won’t cut through the thick patch of vines blocking you from the jungle dungeon.

Edit: Hopefully this mockup helps. The Charger can be targeted on the head or the rear. The ability wheels replace the toolbar in combat mode.