Compact machine design

Can anyone help me with a compact design for my machines and powercoils, it’s to all fit in a 5 high area…
Also we don’t need 7200 power connected to a machine do we?
Isn’t there a cut off area for reduced time?
For example 18 powercoils reduces the time down to 16mins for a mass craft of “whatever” but if you add another powercoil it doesn’t change the time? Or is that not a thing? I have no idea just trying to compact machines in a nice orderly fashion haha :joy:

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I think in one point you didnt rly need more than 4k ish power was closer to 3k ?.

Yeah I think it’s 15/16 powercoils, I’ve done my own set up now, it fits perfect :ok_hand:t3: thanks for the help

One idea I had meant to try sometime, was a setup of machines with coils along the ceiling and floor with machines in a straight line back all at the middle elevation. Machine one connected to only coils above (12 coils). The next machine with only a single space gap between machines, connected to coils below. And the next machine with a single space in-between and coils above…etc…

Downside is your limited to 3600 power with this setup. But i think its relatively compact. you would have to connect spark from the back or front.

My set up is 3 blocks high 4 blocks long and 5 blocks wide if you count machine and coils only.
Up to you if you add layers around to close it all off.