[Completed] WTB Black Marble

Paying 55k for a smart stack

@ghandymarshall ?? Not sure if it’s too low for you, but…

Assuming they are paying 55,000c for 900, that would mean they are paying 61c each.

By contrast, if you buy everything needed at minimum price it would cost 138c just to break even.


Looks like prices went up. Tho there’s plenty of places selling bones at 1c or 2c. Just like the adrenal gland. Seen plenty of them at 50c.

Edit: tho you can go buy the seba for 250 which brings the cost down to around 2250 per mass depending on if you buy the gleam and refined rock.

She, must not be apparent from my profile pic but Im a girl… also i payed 45k for 2 stacks from two different people like a week ago lol. this is the price im offering if you dont like it then dont sell to me? i sell white marble for 100c per and that is a limited supply color a lot of people sell marble for 50ish c per.

looking at the cost to BUY all of the components can be deceptive.

realised that after i posted, mb

I figure cost to buy is accurate because of opportunity cost, but whatever works. Didn’t mean to stir the pot

i bought 3 smart stacks of bones this morning for 1c per seems those prices are off

also there are much cheaper ways to make fresh essence than adrenal glands.

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Even with adjusted pricing break even is still quite high

I’m pretty sure you posted the cost per mass the last time she was buying marble. So kinda seems like you want to stir the pot.

oh true didn’t realise that, carry on then

If you switch the adrenal gland to something more reasonably priced it comes down a lot.


edit: nvm I’m slow :smiley:

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If your referring to this thread, I didn’t post anything on it.

I didn’t mean any disrespect in posting if that’s how it came across as. It’s up to you if you choose to believe me but its the truth.

Ahh yea. That’s my bad it was mayumichi. But I remembered it went in this similar direction.

I just don’t understand why that sheet always gets posted. I don’t see what it has to do with anything. A person who already makes marble knows how much it actually costs them already. Might be less than that sheet too if they gather it themselves. A person who doesn’t already make marble is unlikely to take an order to make marble as well.

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Mostly to do with opportunity cost, which I admit I miscalculated.

Basically the idea being you can sell the product for X but if it costs more to make then you could sell the individual components for more profit overall. However because I miscalculated regarding fresh vital essence, the inverse is true in this case.

you would be correct if the population of boundless was large enough to create a steady economy, however it is not. the prices you are looking at are not drawing from a large enough pool of the exhisting sale prices to give an accurate impression of the actual prices in the game =)

as this little experiment has proven lol :slight_smile:

Can someone eventually sell black marble for 100c per piece? probably… is it the average going rate? not in my experience.

In the end as far as this thread is concerned black marble is worth what i am willing to pay which is 55k for 900 :slight_smile:

I do tend to agree, and given my readjusted cost its more than fair actually.

Have some in my stand at 75ea if you have no luck. Happy to hand trade at 70 or whatever the after tax amount is, but dont really want to go lower as i already sell the black all day (nice problem to have always running out, but still a problem :rofl:). Im at work too atm, and will only be on around 5pm gmt

I will pass but thank you anyway =)

I sell SEBA for 285c (hand trade), refined rock for 3c (shop stand) and refined gleam for 5c (shop stand).

Math says that’s 55.8c per unit. Spark is negligible. Also I have a soft spot for morgan the dude hooked me up :tada:

If anyone is working on this order say something as I plan to fill it (slightly) below asking price. I have to craft the marble though. It will be ready in <2 hours.