Control difting PS4

It’s a brand new controller

Same switched controllers and it was fine , figured my other is messed up

If you happen to have a GameStop where you are they can run a diagnostic on it and tell you if it’s the controller or not. And if it is a brand new controller it should still be under the manufacture warranty.

The diagnostic is free btw

I have one controller that does this and one that does it sometimes. The one that always does it also does it in other games. The one that only does it sometimes I can fix by blowing the analog sticks. Move the analog stick around in a circle while you blow.

Its possible we’re having two different problems but this seems to work for me at least

I’ve had this too and assumed it was my controller.

But thinking about it it does not happen on any other game!

Edit: Also, when selecting a hand item hot slot, it often bounces to a different slot when I let go, maybe related.

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One of my controllers acts like I’ve moved the left stick to the up position whenever I hold L2. It doesn’t do this when I connect to my pc and play boundless, which is weird.

I’ve yet to try it on other games on PS4, but there’s been no adverse effects on Euro Truck Simulator 2 on pc either.

I can confirm, I have a brand new controller and had a weird bug the other day that made me look vertically down. Every time I corrected it, it would just look at the floor. I just reset the game and everything was fine

That happens so often it’s quite silly. Especially fun when you already press R2 and realise you accidentally just placed lava near your crops…

Also for some odd reason I have another issue as well that sometimes the game seems to think I pressed R2 longer or more often than I actually did which can also be rather annoying. Also at times it does it automatically like I have a wonky trigger tool active. Don’t have that in other games. I do have builder’s buff active tho.

I’ve had this plenty of times, on different controllers. It gets worse during hunts I’ve noticed… I always think I’m being grappled (sometimes I am :laughing: ) it kind of turns me as I run even though I’m running straight

Controllers are mainly made pretty cheaply nowadays. All you can really do is get another controller.

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I found a reply to an older forum topic that has a video link to deal with drifting. Not sure how much it would help, but try giving it a go.

I’m on PS4 and have 2 controllers…one drifts, and one doesn’t. Its weird, because the one that drifts only does it when I swing a tool (like a hammer) I had to quit playing with the affected controller.

Stranger yet, is that the affected controller is fine in every other game I play.

I honestly think there are a few issues with the controller within the game. Whether or not it’s easily found by the devs is another question.

I find my trigger “double taps” at times, especially while chiseling.

Have had a few problems with drifting Again, brand new controller, so I know the issue isn’t there.

Randomly changing selected areas of “quick wheel”. Which I notice most while grappled to something and the grapple releases and kills me or some s**t.

I think this definitely needs looking into, but is hard to prove that it’s not a hardware issue other than taking the peoples word that are reporting it :man_shrugging:t3:


THIS ^^^^

That is so frustrating. lol


I have one that does (older) and one than doesn’t (new one). I bought the new one because I thought the old controller was going bad. I always thought it was the controller and not the game because it does it on other games as well. Taking it apart and cleaning it may fix it; however I am too busy playing to screw around with this. Anybody had this problem and cleaned their way out of it?

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I almost attempted this, but since the (drifting) controller works fine on my other games I thought I would mess thing up even worse. There are some YouTube videos that show how its done. I was tempted to try.

Fun! While placing lava next to crops!

Worse is, this double tap combined with builder’s buff means you get between 2 and 10 blocks spammed…


Ha! Ha! That does sound like fun (the lava comment). Almost as much as stopping on a bridge a mile up and then continuing to drift off to the right and plunging to my death.

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when using a drifting controller up high you better have your grapple ready in the other hand. lol

Murphy’s law dictates that I always miss in those situations! :joy:

Or, or, or, I try to switch to the grapple quickly and press R2 and instead of having the grapple in my hand I’m smashing the wall with my 3x3 on my way down! :joy:

(see the post from Fidach, sometimes when you select a slot from your equipment wheel it jumps back to the previous one or to another one entirely, often opposite as well(

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